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Forums Forums General V3 comming soon?

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  • Trevor Moderator

    I think the beta testing will start in the beginning of November.


    It’s mid of November now. Has the beta testing been started yet?

    Trevor Moderator

    I think we are about to start, but it will be very soon.


    I am forced to give up now and use other solutions. There’s only delays without reliable information and no proactive information whatsoever.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry to hear this. Coding is a very inexact science, where it is done when it is done. Please keep checking back with us so that you can see when it releases.


    Hello Trevor, that is true, but you guys, hard working I believe, are not very proactive with updates, information and so on. Timelines are not shifting a few weeks, but months and now years.
    Maybe you can try to improve that a bit. I am no coder and have loads of respect for your work, but my company depends on your work and I love to get more up to date info now and then.

    Ricard Jungic

    Common V3 net exist and will never come out all that waiting this will become old when wwill be out and that with coding is not a exucse or you dont have developers that can do the job sorry but I muved to wp grid builder and working like cahrm and in maybee half year will bi facets in Bricks builder so for me your plugin is only promise and nothing other maybee mods will delite this post but is true

    Trevor Moderator

    I think the doom and gloom is a little exaggerated, but we will take it on the chin that this plugin version is massively late. It is coming, and the public beta testing of V3 Pro addon will start in the next few weeks (I think it will be open to current licence holders).

    The Free version (which forms the core that the Pro addon sits on) is now out and you can use it on live sites, should you wish to.

    Richard Rogers

    Keep on trucking Trevor.

    The delay is a wee bit frustraiting, I keep hoping V3 is ready for each new WP project I work on.

    I can wait for it to be done right.


    Corey Horob

    I agree, I’ve got a project in facetwp that I can’t wait to switch over to V3 since I’m certain the speed will be much much better but I’m happy to wait for it to be done right.

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 50 total)

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