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  • Trevor Moderator

    Are you using a translation plugin, like Polylang or WPML, and, if so, can you deactivate it and test? I can see a JavaScript error on the page when the form is submitted, hence the failure and why it sticks on faded.

    Endre Ruppert

    I deactivated polylang and tested: the fading disappeared but still no functioning filtering. If you look at the search page, even as a default not all posts show in the custom layouts that otherwise show perfectly with the simple shortcode version….. 🙁

    Trevor Moderator
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    Endre Ruppert
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Endre Ruppert
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Endre Ruppert
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    Endre Ruppert

    I think your Custom layouts plugin still needs work what I do it will not work at all. I need to move on to a workable solution, I found possibilities: Post grid and The Post Grid. Which one do you have experience with? Which one works for sure with Search&Filter Pro? Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    We used to have an integration for Post Grid (it was relatively simple), but it no longer works. The Post Grid we have never supported.

    If you need a totally custom solution, the only way would be write your own template within our Using a Shortcode method’s results.php template, as briefly discussed here:

    Note, we DO support Anywhere Elementor and Dynamic Posts, the documentation is here:

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