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  • Endre Ruppert

    Thank you my friend, it did solve the problem.

    My next task is to make the show-result part look better. How can I format it the simplest way to display them in a grid form and with pics? Thanks Trevor.

    Trevor Moderator

    What do you need it to look like?

    What content do you need in each post ‘card’?

    e.g. Title, Featured Image, Content excerpt …

    I wonder if this option would work for you? You can set it up as a block in Gutenberg, or as a Shortcode (set the Layout up and it will give you a shortcode to use):

    For that plugin, follow the installation instructions on the plugin page, especially about importing the layouts.

    It has a Settings page to set up the Responsive Breakpoints, and you can change the number of columns depending on those breakpoints (there are animated gifs showing how).

    Endre Ruppert

    Yes, featured image and title are the minimum, perhaps some meta data later.

    I will look at the solution you are suggesting. I just started to format it in Elementor, could there be a way in that as well, or could the above work with Elementor as well?

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have Elementor Pro?

    Trevor Moderator

    If so, you could use our extension for Elementor Pro, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    The guide covers many different use cases, so please read it carefully.

    Endre Ruppert

    The free Elementor plugin has been enough for me…

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, OK. Well, you can use that Custom Layouts plugin with their Layout shortcode method, and put the shortcode into a widget in Elementor. Then there is a Search & Filter widget in Elementor for the form.

    Endre Ruppert

    I did what you instructed.

    Column 1: search&filter
    Column 2: the original show result shortcode
    Column 3: Custom Layouts

    The bug now is that if I make a query the middle column updates fine, but the new one doesn’t. Also, before searching it seems to display random posts… Any ideas?

    Trevor Moderator

    In the form setup, on the Display Results tab, what do you have the display results method set to? You can select only one method of displaying the results, so your column 2 should not now be sued, and the setting I mentioned should be set to @Custom layouts’, per the documentation I linked to.

    Endre Ruppert

    Yes, I understand. Now I am testing them separately, no luck.

    Custom layouts test page:

    My settings:

    Also, after submit the page seems to get stuck (becomes blurry and is not responding, like being stuck in a loop or something.

    Please help.

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 38 total)

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