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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'woocommerce'

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  • #276786

    chen yu ting

    I have a similar problem
    I choose Woocommerce Product Table+Search & Filter

    But I can’t afford the filter, how to solve it? Thank you


    In reply to: V3 comming soon?


    It has not stopped, but we do have competing calls upon our time as developers. Also, as a team, we felt it necessary to reevaluate how our users (site developers) interacted with our plugin, bearing in mind recent developments and directional guidance from WordPress (most obviously seen in Gutenberg and WooCommerce).

    So, we have completely recoded the admin interface of Search & Filter. You can see video snippets of the progress at this twitter account (of the developer):

    and the associated YouTube account:

    We are now in the process of tying this new admin interface (and how and where it saves settings and forms) back in to the already written front end functionality of V3. As such, it doesn’t look like progress, as what you are doing is putting back together what you have torn apart. As we do this, we have to make adjustments to either our new admin side code, or the front end code.

    Our aim is to make this version far, far easier to use to setup, and far easier to style the forms, plus have a much wider range of options. A tough balancing act to perform.

    As we reach the end, progress gets slower.


    John Nellis

    Well, it’s been a year and this feature that was promised is still not in. Any update on if this will actually be added? I still get my customers asking to be able to expand and collapse the children. Is there a code I can use? I found one that works for the standard woocommerce product category widget but can’t get the code to work with this through Divi.


    Wilson Muh
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    I have checked and all is set OK in the form. I think WooCommerce may be doing this. I think it hides draft products.

    What is it about posts in other than Published status that you need to show them (why are they not published)?

    Carmelo Arancio


    plugin is great but I’ve some trouble with a search filter with post type “products” (woocommerce installed, no conflict – also try to deactivate all plugin and change theme). Display result shows only the products that are in the “publish” status even if I set also the other status (draft, schedule, pending ecc ecc). If i debug the query arguments, I see that in the “post__in” are not included the post ids that are in the other statuses not “publish”. I suspect that should be an error with the s&f cache or with the function in the plugin to get all the product ids from woocommerce, because if I hook in the filter “sf_query_post__in” and manual add to the “post__in” array the ids of the missing posts, the display results shortcode shows its.

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards

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