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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display results not showing “draft” status products


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  • Carmelo Arancio


    plugin is great but I’ve some trouble with a search filter with post type “products” (woocommerce installed, no conflict – also try to deactivate all plugin and change theme). Display result shows only the products that are in the “publish” status even if I set also the other status (draft, schedule, pending ecc ecc). If i debug the query arguments, I see that in the “post__in” are not included the post ids that are in the other statuses not “publish”. I suspect that should be an error with the s&f cache or with the function in the plugin to get all the product ids from woocommerce, because if I hook in the filter “sf_query_post__in” and manual add to the “post__in” array the ids of the missing posts, the display results shortcode shows its.

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards

    Trevor Moderator
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Carmelo Arancio
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    Trevor Moderator

    I have checked and all is set OK in the form. I think WooCommerce may be doing this. I think it hides draft products.

    What is it about posts in other than Published status that you need to show them (why are they not published)?

    Carmelo Arancio
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    Carmelo Arancio
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