Well, it’s been a year and this feature that was promised is still not in. Any update on if this will actually be added? I still get my customers asking to be able to expand and collapse the children. Is there a code I can use? I found one that works for the standard woocommerce product category widget but can’t get the code to work with this through Divi.
Hi Luciano
Regarding #1 – I’m not sure its possible.
Right now we work the same way as default WooCommerce, which is to dislay the parent product in the shop only, and if variation is matched, the parent is displayed.
Clicking on the product will show usually show the product, with the variations that are available.
We hope with S&F version 3.0 (or shortly after) to make it possible to also show variations as individual results.
Shame we don’t support this at the moment!
Hi Alex
Ok so I see the issue…
The problem we have sometimes with our plugin, is that when you load our search form edit page, we have to load all the post meta keys on your site at once – to popuplate the dropdown (we should do that with ajax, but that won’t solve this issue).
The issue is in fact how many individual post meta keys you have. This is with woocommerce enabled (and all other plugins disabled):
That shows over 38,000 meta keys! The browser doesn’t like to load a dropdown list with so many entries… This is whats causing the slowdown on the page (when dragging items, clicking anything)
And when you get a 500
error when loading the admin page, I think thats because server resources / mysql limitations have been reached (we’ve effectively done a mysql query for over 40,000 records on every page load of the search form edit screen).
The question is, why do you have so many unique entires? That is tons of data assigned to your post meta… I’ve never seen anything quite like this!
Also, I tried without woocommerce, and I still see around 40,000 meta keys! So I think woocommerce has nothing to do with the issue (and the meta data is not stored on the products) – I think it is jsut a co-incidence that it was failing at that point (because WooCommerce takes up additional server resources).
So, I’m thinking, how do we clear up all this post meta – do you know where it is coming from / what it’s used for?
I have looked at the setup screenshots, and the only one small thing I can see is that the Results URL should have a /
on the end, but I cannot think that is the issue.
We many, many users of Divi using our integration, so I know this is not a general issue, so this must be something specific to your site/installation.
Can you make a relatively bare (new) development/staging site with Divi, WooCommerce and just our our plugins, and try some dummy posts/data and see if it still happens?
Also, I wonder if any third party plugin might be the problem, so you could test with as many of those deactivated as you can?
You may be able to, but the posts section must be made using the Divi Theme Builder, see the last section on the guide page:
And you will need to use the WooCommerce shop display Method. You may need to also follow the advice in this post:
I think that might work.
Hey guys
We have used a few different DIVI modules which allow us to design the grid result layout to a far more granular level. But have yet been able to figure out how to hook up the filter to any of these grid results, have only had success with DIVI Blog and Woocommerce default grid results.
Can you please help steer us in the direction of what we are missing, or if its compatible at all with your plugin.
20201028 – Linking S&F to Custom Module Grids
Each page would need its own form, sorry about that.
Searching for SKUs:
Our plugin does not directly allow you to do text searches of individual Post Meta (custom fields) and Taxonomy (Category, Tags and Taxonomies) data/terms. The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi.
The documentation for this is here:
You would need to install and activate the free Relevanssi plugin as well.
Then set Relevanssi up and build its index (make sure it is indexing the desired post types, custom fields AND any taxonomy that you want to search).
A note about WooCommerce SKUs and Relevanssi:
If you disable Search & Filter (but with Relevanssi installed and setup), and try to search the WC shop with an SKU, you will see this does not work.
So this is a problem with Relevanssi + WooCommerce (fortunately S&F is not caught in the middle of this!)
However, there appears to be a solution to this in the Relevanssi docs:
I have previously tried this on my test site and then it all seemed to work OK, after I rebuilt the Relevanssi index.
J’ai crée un formulaire qui utilise des champs ACF pour filtrer les produits sur mon site Je n’obtiens aucun résultat de recherche. J’ai choisi l’option “Divi Shop Module”. L’ensemble des produits n’apparait même pas dans le divi shop module meme sans lancer le formulaire.
Environnement : Woocommerce, Divi, ACF
URL de la page du formulaire et des résultats de la recherche:
Merci pour votre aide
I have created a form that uses ACF fields to filter the products on my site . I am not getting any search results. I chose the “Divi Shop Module” option. All the products do not even appear in the divi shop module even without launching the form.
Environment: Woocommerce, Divi, ACF
Form page and search results page URL:
Thanks for your help
Are you wanting to search for these in the text search box?
Our plugin does not directly allow you to do text searches of individual Post Meta (custom fields) and Taxonomy (Category, Tags and Taxonomies) data/terms. The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi.
The documentation for this is here:
You would need to install and activate the free Relevanssi plugin as well.
Then set Relevanssi up and build its index (make sure it is indexing the desired post types, custom fields AND any taxonomy that you want to search).
A note about WooCommerce SKUs and Relevanssi:
If you disable Search & Filter (but with Relevanssi installed and setup), and try to search the WC shop with an SKU, you will see this does not work.
So this is a problem with Relevanssi + WooCommerce (fortunately S&F is not caught in the middle of this!)
However, there appears to be a solution to this in the Relevanssi docs:
I have previously tried this on my test site and then it all seemed to work OK, after I rebuilt the Relevanssi index.
Yes, it is possible to use our plugin with an archives grid using Masonry.
There are a number of options:
1. Your theme has archive pages that already use masonry
2. You have a page builder that uses masonry
3. You use Divi Builder, which uses a Masonry alternative called Salvattore
4. You want to write your own code/template to use Masonry
Depending on your choice above, I can point you in the right direction. for #4, see this thread (and any others linked in that thread):
We have received feature requests to allow the one form to be broken into parts to be placed (and styled) in different places (and differently styled) on the page.
We have taken those requests on board for our forthcoming V3 (which we hope to release in a few weeks – but that may flex a little as we polish the code and UI). For example, you might have a form in WooCommerce that has a Search Box (text field), a Sort Order drop down, and then other fields (Product Categories, Product Tags, Variations, etc). You will be able to place the Search Box in the header, and the Sort Order above the products, and the rest of the form in the sidebar.
But, that is not possible right now.
Custom CSS styling can turn a form field like a checkbox or radio buttons into what appear to be choice buttons (like a Tag cloud).