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  • #218043

    In reply to: SF Pro doesn't work


    my search come from here : (at the bottom you’ve got your add on.

    I don’t know what is the elementor element “using display”

    if you prefere using your page for result it is not problem for me I customize it later.



    In reply to: Filter not working


    With Elementor, it is usual to use the Custom method. Then you have potentially three elements:

    The form (placing it on the page using a shortcode).
    A ‘link’ shortcode (it has action="filter_next_query" in it). Other users have suggested that this needs to be in the AE Template, before …
    Possibly some javascript to trigger the reload of the results. Also in the AE Template as a <script>...</script> in the text window of a text block.
    And the results block itself.

    Is yours like that?




    I am having trouble integrating Search & Filter Pro with Elementor post list. The AJAX pagination does not update the list. It only flashes to the same results as initially shown.

    I have configured the plugin as shown in the documentation. Any ideas on what I might be able to check for, or any known issues?




    I am using Elementor Pro mixed with Anywhere Elementor to build a post block. I have added said post block onto the page, and with it, it’s pagination. I have tried a few pagination selectors. Here is what I am seeing happen!

    I filter, it works great, I click a number on the pagination and it swaps to show all but on the page I am on. Not sure what you would need access to to see the settings I might be missing?

    These are taxonomies BTW



    The Shortcode element has TWO shortcodes in it (check it out). The second is a filter_next_query action. The Display Results Method is Custom, which needs a results URL. Be wary to set the filter up so that a No Results Found scenario does not happen, as Elementor does not handle that so well with Ajax (Use Auto Count and Hide Empty on the fields).


    Very helpful, thank you! It looks as if I’m almost there. I think the only last element I need to figure out is how to set the Ajax container in the search results settings. When I set it as “elementor-widget-posts” I get no results returned at all; I’m guessing this is because I’m not using the regular posts widget. Instead, I’m using an Anywhere Elementor shortcode to display a grid of post blocks of a custom post type. I’ve tried entering a couple of different things for the Ajax container, but none is right so far. Can you help me figure out what I ought to be calling? (Or, if I have misidentified the problem, can you help me figure out what else to do?)


    I can see that you are using Elementor. Are the results in a Post grid or similar? If so, please see this post I wrote:

    Especially note the order of the shortcodes used. The form must come before the filter_next_query action.


    In reply to: No results message


    If the results display is controlled by the Elementor post grid, there does not, at this time, appear to be an Elementor mechanism to handle a no results scenario.

    Maybe the technical support people at Elementor might be able to answer if such a mechanism exists and how it can be used?



    Hi, Support.

    I’m using Elementor Pro, CPT UI, ACF and Search & Filed.

    It’s working quite well, except, when user searchs a word at Search Field and no results are found. When it occours, the URL changes but nothing else happens.

    Is there a way to show a “No results found” message?

    Thanks for your assistance. Best regards,




    I didn’t update elementor. Probably the theme. But the thing is how to fix this after updating theme?

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