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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Taxonomy Filter Has No Effect

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  • Karen

    I’m using Elementor Pro along with Anywhere Elementor Pro.
    I have created a CPT and a custom taxonomy to go with it.
    I want to filter the posts displayed on the CPT Archive page (built with AE) using the custom taxonomy.

    When viewing the CPT archive page, the Taxonomy dropdown box appears as expected (inserted the SF shortcode into an Elementor shortcode widget).

    When I select a specific taxonomy value from the dropdown box, none of the displayed posts get filtered.
    Not sure what I’ve missed in setting this up?

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Does it now work?


    Yes it does!
    How did you do that?
    I need to add another CPT and do the same thing again.

    Trevor Moderator

    The Shortcode element has TWO shortcodes in it (check it out). The second is a filter_next_query action. The Display Results Method is Custom, which needs a results URL. Be wary to set the filter up so that a No Results Found scenario does not happen, as Elementor does not handle that so well with Ajax (Use Auto Count and Hide Empty on the fields).


    Just wanted to say, your plugin rocks!!!
    OMG – love how versatile it is. The Post Meta conditions were the icing on the cake for me.
    You are not charging enough for this 😉

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