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Forums Forums General V3 comming soon?

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  • Miriam Brückner

    Hi there, some time ago (in June) I already was in contact with you because I would like give my customers the possibility to filter products by whether they have already purchased them or not. I received the answer that maybe within V3 this might be possible. Can you already make any predictions, when V3 will be released?

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross, our developer, tells me is is due early in the New Year. It has been delayed as we felt it was necessary to develop and add a major new feature.

    Miriam Brückner

    Any news regarding V3?

    Trevor Moderator

    We are back on track now, after taking the decision to unbundle a major feature (the results layout builder) and make that a totally free plugin in its own right:

    V3 free version (the core plugin also required for V3 Pro addon) is now in internal testing and we are working hard to finish V3 Pro addon (when that enters internal testing, we will beta test V3 free)>

    I cannot say when, but the end is in sight.

    Miriam Brückner

    Thank you that sounds great. I really like the layout builder! I did all the styling via custom code up to now…

    Helena Thun

    Any update regarding this? When v3 will be available to use?

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, I have no updates for you. Progress is being made, but it is hard going.

    Andrea Pucci



    Hi Trevor,
    From your last post, I understand that the v3 development has stopped again, or have I misunderstood?

    Trevor Moderator

    It has not stopped, but we do have competing calls upon our time as developers. Also, as a team, we felt it necessary to reevaluate how our users (site developers) interacted with our plugin, bearing in mind recent developments and directional guidance from WordPress (most obviously seen in Gutenberg and WooCommerce).

    So, we have completely recoded the admin interface of Search & Filter. You can see video snippets of the progress at this twitter account (of the developer):

    and the associated YouTube account:

    We are now in the process of tying this new admin interface (and how and where it saves settings and forms) back in to the already written front end functionality of V3. As such, it doesn’t look like progress, as what you are doing is putting back together what you have torn apart. As we do this, we have to make adjustments to either our new admin side code, or the front end code.

    Our aim is to make this version far, far easier to use to setup, and far easier to style the forms, plus have a much wider range of options. A tough balancing act to perform.

    As we reach the end, progress gets slower.

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