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Forums Forums General HTTP Error 500

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  • alexbpc

    Sure. Ill get back today / tomorrow with an update. Thanks.


    After enabling and disabling the plugins 1 by 1 I found that the Woocommerce plugin makes that error appear. I even updated the plugin but every time I activate it I cannot access the Search Forms with more than 1 post meta added.
    In my backend “528443” has 3 post meta and I can only edit it when I disable woocommerce.
    528553 has 2 post meta but I have the same issue.
    528554 has only 1 and works with woo-commerce enabled too.

    Let me know if you can help with this as we still use WooCommerce on our live site.

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you try with all other plugins deactivated and only WooCommerce and ours activated? I was wondering whether it might be another WooCommerce related plugin that might effectively only be active once WooCommerce itself was activated?


    Yes, I deactivated all other wc related plugins and found that only the WC main plugin affects it.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Yes, all good. Go ahead.

    Ross Moderator

    Just to let you know I will be resuming this later on today.


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