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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cannot get filter to work at all

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  • Marjan Breznikar

    Hi Ross

    Earlier today I had installed the free version which worked. Now that I uninstalled the free version and installed pro version, I seem to have similar problem as Amber, when filtering no results show up (it stays the same as regular visiting the page without filtering)
    I actually do not know where to put the code <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[searchandfilter id=”1″ show=”results”]‘); ?> so I put it in the theme header.

    Please help, thanks

    Marjan Breznikar

    What I found out is, I am using the theme ULTIMATUM.
    When I changed the wp theme to a different one, the plugin started working, when I changed back to ULTIMATUM it doens’t work at all.

    Ross would you be able to look at it, I would really appreciate your help.

    I have to admit that I really like this plugin and I need it to work for me.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Marjan

    Do you have a link I could look at?


    Marjan Breznikar
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Marjan

    So you need to follow these instructions:

    You place the shortcode you mention above, anywhere you want your results to appear, and you place the other one for your search form.

    I just logged in to your site to have a quick look – you have the free version enabled, and the pro version disabled! So disable the free, and enable the pro version 🙂

    If then you still have problems I can help you further


    Marjan Breznikar

    Thanks Ross,

    I did what you told me again, and it works now, now I have questions about this

    I used that template results.php and copied it the /search-fitler folder. Now I need to figure it out how to get results displayed the same way as before using this filter, it needs to look like that and not what it shows using results.php. How can I make it to use a default look of the results, like it is set in the theme that I am using?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Marjan

    This take a little work but shouldn’t be too complicated.

    You need to open your themes search template (probably ‘search.php’) and copy the html from there in to your new ‘results.php’…

    This is probably your best option for setting it up with that layout. Just remember to keep the while loop from the Search & Filter template, and not the search.php template (everything inside can be replaced).

    while ($query->have_posts())

    I will write a tutorial on this at some point.

    Just be careful, where you place the results shortcode (‘[searchandfilter id=”1″ show=”results”]’) as the html structure of your page will need to be similar/the same.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Marjan Breznikar

    Hey Ross,

    I would like to do it like you’re describing, but I have dificulty locating my themes search template, how can I identify it?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Marjan

    It is normally the same for most themes – you can find it in:


    Some themes do things a bit different so it might not be straight forward but this will be the place for 90% of themes around 🙂


    Marjan Breznikar

    Hey Ross,

    thanks for trying, but the theme I am using is ULTIMATUM and there is nothing like that, as the theme doesn’t have any files like search.php, page.php, post.php

    Because I can’t get the PRO version to work properly I am using the free version now on the orginal page. I copied the whole page to another domain where I am testing the PRO version and trying to make it work at least like the free version.

    Please let me know if you are willing to look and play with it a little to try and make it work.


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