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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'filter style'

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  • #276798

    In reply to: year dropdown

    Dave Hall

    I had this issue. I couldn’t find a solution here, so I created a very hacky javascript workaround that seems to work fine. Sharing it here in case anyone has a similar need to have a yearly dropdown and the developers don’t build it in.

    Here goes:

    1) Just after the filters in the theme template (index.php in my case) I have this:

    <li class=”moveme”>
    <select id=”years” class=”sf-input-select”>
    <option value=””>All Years</option>
    <?php wp_get_archives( array(
    ‘format’ => ‘option’,
    ‘type’ => ‘yearly’
    )); ?>

    This creates a dropdown with all the years for which posts exist, with All Years added at the top.

    2) On the back end of the S&F plugin I added a Post Date field, set to date range, and a submit button.

    3) In my css stylesheet I hid the Post Date field and the submit button:

    #primary > .moveme {
    display: none !important;

    I’m also hiding the .moveme element when it first loads.

    4) Using jQuery/javascript I move the dropdown into the S&F form (where it becomes visible) on page load. When an option is selected, it populates the hidden Post Date fields with 1st Jan-31st Dec for the chosen year and clicks ‘submit’. The years dropdown gets reset when the form is reset.

    $(document).ready( function() {

    $(‘#years’).change(function() {
    var selectedValue = $(this).val();
    if (selectedValue == ” ) {
    } else {
    $(‘.sf-datepicker’).eq(0).val( ’01/01/’ + selectedValue.substr(selectedValue.length-5, 4 ));
    $(‘.sf-datepicker’).eq(1).val( ’31/12/’ + selectedValue.substr(selectedValue.length-5, 4 ));
    $(‘.searchandfilter .sf-field-submit input’).click();

    $(‘.search-filter-reset’).click(function() {

    NB. You’ll have to switch the order of 31/12 if you’re using American dates.

    Obviously this is sub-optimal, but hey, it works.


    Jeremy Mullis

    Here is a JS solution. This is a little crude, but it works. Obviously this would need run after the DOM is ready.

    // test if there is a searchandfilter form on the page
    if (document.querySelector(‘.searchandfilter’)) {

    // query all the ul elements within our filters
    const filters = document.querySelectorAll(
    ‘.searchandfilter > ul > li > ul’

    // hide the parent (li) element for any that are empty
    filters.forEach((filter) => {
    if (filter.children.length === 0) { = ‘none’;


    Fred Santos

    Some years later: in the “ajax container” field, insert .row.portfolio-items

    I’ve got a bug in the search: the filter works, but the opacity of the results were equals 0.

    So, I inserted in the child theme style.css

    .portfolio-items .col .inner-wrap[data-animation=”fade_in”], .portfolio-items:not(.carousel) .col .inner-wrap.animated {
    opacity: 1!important;


    In reply to: V3 comming soon?


    I’ve seen the videos, and everything seems very interesting, but I don’t see anything on the frontend side, where the current v2 is very poor in terms of graphic style (at least compared to the others competitors). It is also unclear if it will be possible to upgrade the work done with the current v2.

    Unfortunately, it’s hard to invest money and time for me on a plugin that you work on only when you have free time compared to your main activity. If I remember, the last v2 update is 14 July 2021, and with every WordPress update (such as with 5.9), I’m always worried that Search&Filter will crash and stop working.

    Anyway, I’ve just renewed my license to show you how much I believe in your work, but obviously, such a long wait doesn’t help much (it’s been almost two years since the announcement of the beginning v3).

    P.S. I’m a “Beaver Builder” user, and I don’t use Gutenberg (which I think is rubbish, IMO).


    In reply to: V3 comming soon?


    It has not stopped, but we do have competing calls upon our time as developers. Also, as a team, we felt it necessary to reevaluate how our users (site developers) interacted with our plugin, bearing in mind recent developments and directional guidance from WordPress (most obviously seen in Gutenberg and WooCommerce).

    So, we have completely recoded the admin interface of Search & Filter. You can see video snippets of the progress at this twitter account (of the developer):

    and the associated YouTube account:

    We are now in the process of tying this new admin interface (and how and where it saves settings and forms) back in to the already written front end functionality of V3. As such, it doesn’t look like progress, as what you are doing is putting back together what you have torn apart. As we do this, we have to make adjustments to either our new admin side code, or the front end code.

    Our aim is to make this version far, far easier to use to setup, and far easier to style the forms, plus have a much wider range of options. A tough balancing act to perform.

    As we reach the end, progress gets slower.


    In reply to: Custom Layouts



    Can I assume that this is the bones and flesh of the V3 grid and card editor ?

    Then Can I share some request 🙂

    • ACF fields : quite obviously, and even better any custom field, of which we could type in the field name (not label)
    • Custom HTML field : a field where we could type in custom text ad html
    • Shortcodes option for custom html field: run shortcode in html field, I expect it to be a checkbox option and not always “On” for performance optimisation
    • CSS class field for each field : add a text field for adding CSS class, separated by space, at each level (grid, card, single card field, etc.). Please avoid us the pain we do face when styling S&Fpro form where we can’t add class to individual search field
    • Post type styling : provide the ability, within a grid, to style cards according to the post_type is holds ; for instance card background color change according to post_type
    • Post format styling : as above with wp built in post_format feature
    • post term styling : as above, card can be styled according to the post terms (not only built in taxonomies please)
    • Magic tags : well magic tags, or call it and implement it however you want. The idea is to display field value.s within field such as “css class” and “custom html fields”. Three examples, first, I have a custom html field coud contain “%post.title% is a %post.post_type.label% written by %Author%”, second, card Css field could contain “ %post.post_format% %post.category%” so the card css class would be “my_cpt_name video french_movies documentary”, video being the post format and “french_movies documentary” the two category term of the post. this enables advanced card building without over whelming ui for the user and very simple usage ( magic tag are a good example of how far this could go)

    Then, there are a couple of “features” we discussed not available out of the box in S&Fpro, but that may be implemented using custom php result template, and this would be great if they are not lost on the way

    Finally the children category issue



    Kerem Bozokluoglu
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Petra van Huizen
    This reply has been marked as private.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    It might be possible using custom CSS, yes, but you might need to hire a coder to do that for you. There might be some snippets of CSS on our forum that you could use. To find snippets for the search field, which has the class name sf-field-search, this search should give you posts that style that field:

    I forgot to add that V3 should add more styling options.

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