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  • #219663


    I tried disabling the plugins you listed and it did not resolve the issue. I also tried disabling all plugins except Elementor, Elementor Pro and Search & Filter. That also did not resolve the issue.

    Any other ideas?


    Topic: General advice

    in forum General


    Hi Trevor I am creating a site for a pilates company. They want to list all their classes on the homepage and have then filterable by day, teacher, type of class.

    I have pods installed and I have created the custom pods for each data type, I am just a little confused on how to display the data on the frontend.

    Can Search & Filter Pro directly display the data or do I need to do another step?

    I do have elementor pro if that helps. I am also not against using any other plugin for the custom posts if you think of a better one.

    Any advice or documentation link would be welcome.




    Hiding ’empty’ fields (in your case attributes) is not possible in the current version. I am sure it could be done with JavaScript, but I have no snippets to offer.

    Elementor tends to leave WooCommerce to handle its own pages, so using our WooCommerce method is likely to be the best option. (Product) Category pages are a bit different. I have always avoided having the shop page showing the categories.



    Does the filter take care of ‘non-relevant’ attributes and hide them anyhow – an adoptiv function?

    I´ve searched the topics and found a post from 2015 where a guy was looking for this. We setup everything like here : and the filter works. But it shows all that brands and colors that are not relevant for the listed products.

    You can see it here :

    And second. Can You give a hint how to setup the results page in Elementor for sites like Woo categories?

    Thx & best / Sascha


    Awesome, thanks for your help with this!

    May I also suggest adding these items to your Elementor/AE documentation? Seems like really helpful info for users in my situation.



    Awesome, thanks Trevor!

    It might be worth clarifying that in the documentation. It came across to me like the order it’s presented in there is the order to place them on the page 🙂

    Is there a way to get the paginated results working? If I select Make: Chevrolet and then try to go to page 2 of the results, it just gives me unfiltered results.

    I guess I could just set a high value and avoid pagination, but it would be nice if I could get that working.



    I made an edit to the page to remove the shortcode element and replace it with a Text element, with this in it:

    [searchandfilter id="2017"][searchandfilter id="2017" action="filter_next_query"]
    <script>(function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction('frontend/element_ready/', jQuery('.elementor-widget-posts'));

    I also enabled Masonry for the Post Grid (without which there is an issue with images).


    In reply to: Filter not working


    Hi Steve

    To get back to you RE your notes:

    1) We do mention this, however, I can see how it could be missed. The Elementor integration is getting more complicated as time goes on, I think the next logical step will be to create a bridge plugin, so this won’t be required 🙂

    2) If you take a look at the second screenshot here, this outlines the purpose of the container. Essentially you have to choose a selector that contains your results, and the assocated meta data, like pagination. On your site I used chrome inspector to find a suitable container.

    1) (3?) If you have two seperate fields, and you want them to be dynamic, enable auto count in your search form, and then in each field, make sure hide empty is checked 🙂

    Let me know how you get on.




    I am using Elementor Pro and Woocoomerce. I followed instructions mentioned in

    I have successfully changed my layout and added filter using shortcode and css to show it in horizantal way. however filter is not working, I see after changing items in filter then something changes in url like:
    shop/?_sft_pa_player=kasparov but results is not changing based on the filter.

    I have one filter, In general tab : Only “products” is selected
    In Display Results Tab: I have woocommerce shop selected, load results using Ajax, make search bookmarkabale, only use Ajax on results page are selected. Ajax container is #main and Ajax pagination is “.pagination a”
    In Posts Tab” Published” is selected
    Tags Categories, nothing changed and as per default
    In advanced tab: everything is selected

    Please let me know if any other information you need to resolve my issue. Thanks in advance




    Thanks. I actually want to have some cases where there are no results, I would just be nice to be able to be a bit more explicit about why it happened. I’m not going to hold my breath about Elementor providing a way to do it! 😉

    Thanks again for your help.

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