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  • Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Post Meta Values With Spaces

    No worries ๐Ÿ™‚ Would really appreciate if you could leave us a review? Every little helps ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Combo box with auto text only looks at parents

    Cool thanks will take a look, with my tests everything seemed to work fine regardless if the taxonomy is hierarchical.

    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    ajax loading not working

    Hey Piotr,

    You just need to find out what template you want.. and then enter the filename for this template in search & filter settings…

    Do you know which template is being used to display


    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    auto text box with multiple choice

    Hey Nicole

    Check the latest update to 1.1.5 with the comboboxes – I think this is what you were after?


    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Post-meta not taking into account

    Hey Pierre

    v 1.1.5 is out which hopefully addressed this issue, let me know if you have any problems.


    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Where is the download for new Pro versions?

    Update to 1.1.5 is out ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Post Meta Values With Spaces

    Hey Highfilter

    This should now be included in the latest 1.1.5 update – check your plugins dashboard for the update ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Moved: Reply To: ajax loading not working

    Hey Piotr I moved your post in to another thread, you should start your own threads for any problems you may have:

    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    ajax loading not working

    Hey Piotr,

    Please create your own threads for issues, it is likely that you have different problems.

    Can you tell me, does it work without AJAX?

    I went on there, and yes your right it seems as if something is preventing the form from submitting at all…

    Can you also please check that in the Search & Filter edit screen, under Ajax settings that content selector is set to .blog-posts-content?

    It looks like you might be using isotope for your results, which means that it may not be respecting the main WordPress query and instead creates its own separate query (hence why you have the loader)…

    Please answer my two questions above and I will help further.


    Ross Moderator in reply to:
    Repeatable meta data fields

    Hey Hugh

    Yeah unfortunately you probably won’t be able to do that effectively.

    You mention the data is all in one key, which means all those values are serialized – effectively, in the database all those values are one big string.

    Even in PHP/MySQL you cannot search a field like this properly, you can compare a string or value to see if it exists in a meta key, but you cannot then search the sub arrays or keys specifically…

    Basically your packing in a lot of data in to a single element stored in the database, to get this all searchable you will need to break it out in to separate meta keys, or what is even more efficient for searching are taxonomies.

    * Just a quick note, you can only search meta keys using the range or choice inputs, there is not text searching (yet) so every new title you add, you will need to manually add it to the meta field in the search form (I’m just mentioning this because it looks like free text input).

    I would suggest trying something like this:

    Keep all the rest of the data in the same key, but break out levels and titles in to their own keys…

    Then you will be able to search in the titles, so lets say you have a post with the meta key:

    sf_titles which is an array of any titles you add…
    So sf_titles would (in your example) be the following array:

    [sf_titles] => Array
        [0] => Title1
        [1] => Title2
        [2] => Title3
        [3] => Title4

    And in the database it is actually stored something like:
    'sf_titles' => 'a:4:{i:0;s:6:"Title1";i:1;s:6:"Title2";i:2;s:6:"Title3";i:3;s:6:"Title4";}'

    Then you could use Search & Filter to search this sf_titles meta key to see if the value is contained, and of course a match would be found for any of the 4 titles mentioned above.

    S & F will use %LIKE% to find it, so it only needs to find a single occurrence of the search value (whatever is selected by the user in the search form) to return a successful hit and match the post with this meta key.

    Hope that helps ๐Ÿ™‚

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