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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocomerce Ajax Search Results Invisible

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    OK, I can see what is causing the problem, in the theme.

    The clue to me was the loading icon when the page loads, suggesting it was using some form of animation. I then inspected the empty page to actually see the post were there, but hidden by CSS setting opacity of the posts to 0.

    Yet again the site is not responding, but, in the meantime, dos the theme have any animation or masonry settings for the posts?

    Alicia Powell

    Well I’m using Woocommerce’s default shop page and am not provided any options for the masonry layout. The only settings I have for that are in S&FPro. I use S&FPro on another subsite with the Post Grid plugin, and it seems to work as far as results. Is it a conflict with Woocommerce? I don’t understand why the results are invisible, but then appear when you refresh the page.

    Regarding the site not responding, can you share what you are seeing? I had a customer who couldn’t access anything via IE on her PC yesterday evening. I use a MAC and wasn’t able to see the issue until I tried to visit the site via IE. After disabling a plugin the site was able to load.

    Alicia Powell

    Correction: I don’t have access to masonry settings via S&FPro. I was thinking Post Grid when I typed that.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Alicia Powell

    Ok, I will get back to you on that. At this point I think I might just use it without ajax and come back to this another time. I was hopping it was something simple to fix.

    …On another note, is it possible to use S&FPro with my themes grid instead of Post Grid? Is there a function snippet or something for that? I can put this in another topic if necessary.

    Trevor Moderator

    It depends on how it is coded. Again, if it uses Masonry, probably not. If it doesn’t use Masonry, then maybe.

    You would need to use the Custom display method and an in the same way as the Post grid method, but replace the Post grid shortcode with your theme grid.

    Alicia Powell

    Ok thank you. I will give this a try.

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)

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