Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Want to display search results as a filtered archive… but all results display

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  • Anonymous


    I’m not quite understanding how to set the search results. Instead of displaying a filtered set of results, the search shows ALL posts. What am I missing?

    Please see:

    Many thanks,


    I can see that you are using Elementor. Are the results in a Post grid or similar? If so, please see this post I wrote:

    Especially note the order of the shortcodes used. The form must come before the filter_next_query action.


    Very helpful, thank you! It looks as if I’m almost there. I think the only last element I need to figure out is how to set the Ajax container in the search results settings. When I set it as “elementor-widget-posts” I get no results returned at all; I’m guessing this is because I’m not using the regular posts widget. Instead, I’m using an Anywhere Elementor shortcode to display a grid of post blocks of a custom post type. I’ve tried entering a couple of different things for the Ajax container, but none is right so far. Can you help me figure out what I ought to be calling? (Or, if I have misidentified the problem, can you help me figure out what else to do?)


    It could be any of the classes in this screenshot:

    I would guess .ae-post-layout-grid

    Any script you have to refresh the results might also not work, so test without that script to start with.


    Aaargh! So close and yet I can’t make it work. Thanks for your screenshot; I tried all those classes, but to no avail. I don’t THINK I have any particular refresh script active — I haven’t installed one — but maybe there’s one built in somewhere?

    What would you suggest I try next?

    Thanks so much, Trevor!

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