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Forums Forums General Update Failed: Download failed. Too many redirects


  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Cesar Romero


    I’m trying to update the plugin that I’m using already for a while, and I get this error message:

    Update Failed: Download failed. Too many redirects

    Could somebody explain me how to fix it?


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    +1 here, same error. Sadly the automatic update is a problem with this plugin since it exists, I always perform manual updates. Would be nice if the automatic updates finally can be fixed to really work.

    Trevor Moderator

    The issue may have arisen because we have changed domains.

    IF your current version is 2.3.2 or later, then the advice in this thread should work for you:

    Cesar Romero

    My Search & filter pro version is: 2.4.3

    So, I think this could not help me…

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, it applies to you also. By later I mean more recent, and 2.4.3 is more recent. Please try it Cesar.

    Cesar Romero

    Hi again!

    Sorry for the delay but I changed to new domain and didn’t want to make it after that. Have checked the links that you have written Trevor. Have checked the key and it’s ok. Tried to update again and get the same error. Went to Your Account to download again. But I see nothing to download. About make this chages I’m a bit scared to loose all my work with the plugin for having to do those kinds of unpleasant steps.

    Waitting for the replie 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Hi all

    There is a known issue with our host we are trying to work on.

    I am trying to resolve the issue this week, if not by next week we should have it done.

    If you don’t need the fixes in the update, stay on the current version and I’ll let you know when our update processes are fixed.

    Apologies for this repeated issue, its been a tricky one for us (and our host) to solve.


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