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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Trying to deactivate plugin on the staging site URL

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  • Kathy Brennan

    I have a one site license. It is still activated on the dev site URL under my account and it is presenting problems for updating the plugin. I deactivated it on the live domain and have tried repeatedly to deactivate it in my account for the dev URL but it has not worked. Is this one of the items that can take 15 minutes to show up? It’s been a little while.

    Trevor Moderator

    Any change (this included) can take a little while. Typically around 15 minutes, but it can take longer.

    Kathy Brennan

    So now it shows no sites and I add the key and activate on the live site but the update still fails. If I try to activate in your admin that also fails and says it is at activation limit even though it shows 0 activations.

    Trevor Moderator

    And when you added the new site, did you also wait again? If so, you may need to follow the guidance here:

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