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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Too slow

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  • seramor


    It takes like 6 seconds or so to update the results for a query on just 6 posts.

    This must be wrong. I am running the last update: 1.7.

    Is this normal? How can I debug this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Seramor

    Are you doing any complex queries with meta data? Or using many meta fields? These can sometimes be inefficient due to the way WP is setup.. but still, with only 6 posts it should be faster.

    If you have a link that would be useful and I can also take a look – I’m away at the moment but will check on my return.


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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi again,

    I am checking your demo and I get the following headers:

    Status: HTTP/1.1 302 Found

    Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    The first POST is different, since your demo does not attach “wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_results&paged=1”. Perhaps, this is what makes that I get a “Moved Temporarily” response while you are getting “Found”.

    Does it make sense?


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    Hello There,

    You can use to check sql, ajax, and see where is the slow 😉


    Thanks TSCLIMA, this plugin gives a lot of useful information, but I do not see anything that takes too long…

    I think that the main problem is that the first post in my domain is querying for

    Status: HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily

    instead of

    Status: HTTP/1.1 302 Found

    In other words, I think that the current version of the plugin is attaching the string “/admin-ajax.php?action=get_results&paged=1” by mistake.

    Does it make sense?


    Hi Ross,

    It does not matter what I try: searching in pages, searching in custom types and taxonomies, different filters (search box, category, author…), etc.

    It always takes about 5-6 seconds to display the results. It is the same for 50 pages than for 6 posts.

    Moreover, when searching regular pages, it seems not to submit the first POST.

    Please, could you have a look at this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey seramor

    Can you provide me with login details, FTP details, and the link to your search page?

    Some of your analyses is indeed correct – I need to try to figure out why there is a delay on the first post.

    Essentially, the form get gets posted – this is then parsed and validated (no query is performed) and then there is a redirect to a URL with all the relevant parameters ($_GET) – this url then takes the parameters and performs a query.

    The reason there is a difference between your version and the movie demo (wp-admin/ajax.php) is because the movie demo is in fact an out of date version – using the ajax url results in a much quicker query! (but not in this case 🙁 )


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