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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Tag option is not displaying

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 51 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    I need to speak with Ross about this. Can you confirm that your PHP server has the iconv extension installed? If you don’t know how to find this out, the simplest way is to install this plugin:

    and then search for this string:

    iconv support and if it is there that it is enabled

    This is the library that supports international character conversion in PHP.

    JAn Brokes

    HEllo, our server hosting provider replied that it is installed

    JAn Brokes

    HEllo , sorry for my impatience, but did you find some solution?

    Trevor Moderator

    We are working through the backlog of threads, but ‘bumping’ the thread actually puts it back to the bottom (makes it the newest and we are doing oldest first). Hopefully we will clear them all today.

    JAn Brokes

    many thanks for qiuck reply and positive aproach to this issue.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Jan

    We have spent hours on this. We can’t replicate what’s going on, but I will tell you what IS going on.

    Our plugin encodes the HTML characters for the URL bar. A browser will render them as they SHOULD look. But, in your case, something else, probably another javascript, is grabbing that encoded URL and encoding it again, making it unreadable by the browser (hence what you see). From there on it is downhill; nothing will work.

    In the first instance, we need to get you the latest dev version of the plugin (2.2.1). Can you give me an email address to send it to? Installation instructions:

    Installation instructions:

    1) Deactivate S&F in WP Admin Plugins page (do not delete, otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP, delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content\plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file I will have sent to you.
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder to the wp-content\plugins folder on your server.
    5) Activate Search and Filter plugin in WP Admin plugins page

    JAn Brokes
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    As our tests here show it doesn’t happen for us, it is likely that a plugin’s javascript, the theme javascript or some javascript that you have added (if you have) will be causing it.

    As to our email system, it is causing us issues right now. It is on and off 🙁

    JAn Brokes

    Hello, have you already sent file to my email? I have not anything received. Thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, I did send. I will do it again. Please check junk and spam also.

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