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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Submit on mobile ?

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  • Bastien Lemeunier


    WP version : 4.9.1
    Search & filter pro version : 2.3.4

    I have a problem on my website when I want to submit the form on my mobile (on iOs or Android we have the same problem).

    Use case (not working) :
    – I fill the “city” field ;
    – I click on the “magnifying glass” icon on my keyboard, I see the city field get empty ;
    – Then the form is submitted, but the field I fill is empty and the search result does not contain my filter on the city field.

    Use case (working) :
    – I fill the “city” field ;
    – I click to the submit button at the bottom of my page, the search is ok, it contain my city field.

    Can anyone tell me why the first use case not working ? Why the form is not submitted when I use the icon on my keyboard ?

    See you, thks 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    Please note that, as your license appears to have expired, you will first need to renew/complete the license/purchase to receive updates or support.

    You would also be advised to update the plugin to 2.4.6 (the current version), and as we have moved domains, you need to follow the guidance in this thread (pass over the first three paragraphs and start at the download part):

    BUT check that the screenshot shown matches what you see.

    You will need to rebuild the cache (edit a form and click the button top right to do this).

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