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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search & Filter Pro on Woocommerce doesn't affect the loop

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  • Dmitry Veselov

    Hi Ross,

    I hope you can help me on this. I’m keen to use Search & Filter Pro with a WooCommerce site but currently they don’t seem to work together. After adding widget Submit button just reloads a page without any effect on its content. URL stays the same, products are same.

    I’ve tried to change settings but without any effect as well

    Here’s screen of a page.


    Thanks in advance

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dmitry not sure what the problem is exactly but for starters, you have the checkbox “use custom template”, but then you don’t have any filename specified…

    Try it with search.php and see if you get some valid results? (I’m sure the layout will be wrong).

    Regardless of this, I’m pretty sure you should be seeing the URL change.

    In some cases when the URL does not change its because WordPress cannot redirect after submitting the form – and this is normally caused by a hidden error in WP, with your theme or your plugins…

    Try installing debug bar and submitting the form, and try to see if there are any errors. If you have any errors, then these will need to be fixed first.

    Let me know the results.

    (Ps seems we are on different time zones, I won’t be back online now until tomorrow).

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dmitry, did you manage to overcome the problems you were having?

    Dmitry Veselov

    Hey Ross,
    Right now I’m writing a code from scratch, seems better move for now. I recon I’ll comeback to Search Filter later.

    Ross Moderator

    OK Dmitry let me know if you need any help when you get to that stage.


    Chris Lambert


    Sorry for jumping in. I have just downloaded your plugin also and am having the same problem.

    Set the search &bFilter to be a widget in the woocommerce sidebar as I want to it be able to filter my products (instead of the standard woo filters (i.e. I want to use tags better).

    I set up a quick test form and it shows it just wont affect anything and the URL isn’t changing.

    Any ideas? (I am download debug to test and see if there are issues there).


    Chris Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Chris,

    Its best to first make sure the plugin is working properly without AJAX, have you tried this and does it work ok?

    If the url does not update then it is likely a JavaScript error, which prevents the S&F scripts from running and effectively the AJAX request.

    Have you tried looking at your JS console in firebug or chrome’s inspector? If there are errors there (not warnings) then you will need to fix these first.

    Let me know.

    Thanks 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    PS I didn’t get the link to your page – your post was empty?

    Chris Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
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