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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search and filter Pro + Oxygen builder repeater

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  • Georgios Chatzidimitriou

    I cant seem to find any information about making search and filter pro to work with oxygen builders repeater field.

    I know there is no official support for oxygen, but is there a walk around that we can use or any other information on the subject?

    Every post about the subject is marked as private.

    Trevor Moderator

    If that is a custom field, it sounds very much like the Advanced Custom Fields plugin Repeater Field (it may be one and the same, as some themes do bundle that plugin).

    If it is, it is not a field type that we can, at this time, support. Generally, we support custom fields that store data terms in a non-serialised structure. Repeater fields are the most complex of fields as they have endless possibilities, and coding for them is very difficult.

    Jan Langhans

    Hi Georgios,

    I just figured out, how to make it work with Oxygen Repeater. Follow these steps and I hope it will work for you.

    1. Set up your repeater in Oxygen (ex. posts repeater) on specific page – rename repeater id to better name
    2. Set up you filters in S&F PRO
    3. On S&F tab “Display results” set method: custom and set the results URL to url of page with your repeater
    4. Uncheck – Only use Ajax on the results page?
    5. Ajax container – set your repeater id from step 1.
    6. Pagination selector – set .oxy-repeater-pages a
    EDIT by @trevorsf: This works for the Oxygen repeater element, but if you are using the Easy Posts element, the Pagination selector needs to be set to “.oxy-easy-posts-pages a” instead.
    7. Safe everything in settings and copy the shortcode
    8. Insert shortcode in Oxygen – It is your filter shortcode
    9. Just before your repeater in oxygen insert another shortcode [searchandfilter id="YOURSEARCHID" action="filter_next_query"]
    10. On layout tab of this second shortcode set display to none. It is no need to show it on the front end.

    That’s it

    I hope it helps

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks Jan


    I put my hands up and admit I misread your post. I had though that you were referring to a custom field, but you were not.

    Can you let me know if Jan’s advice helped?

    Georgios Chatzidimitriou

    Jans advice works great, still testing but with a quick look, all basic functionality works as intended.

    With my limited understanding, in order to work, S&F must be applied on a Page, and not an oxygen archive template.

    <3 to Jan Langhans. Thanks for helping out!

    Trevor Moderator

    That is correct (re using page), but we are changing that, I think, for V3, which is due in a few months. do let me know if it is OK to close this thread for now?

    Georgios Chatzidimitriou

    Yep we’re good. Thanks

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