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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Running background processes is either disabled

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    I do not know enough of the plugin to know where to look next, so I will have to talk to the developer.

    Kautuk Bhatnagar

    Hi Trevor,

    I am too facing the same issue, though i have a blog with 8k+ Post i don’t know if that maters or not but i saw in forum that you asked “how many post do you have?” to somebody.

    Any help would appreciate!

    many thanks!

    Trevor Moderator

    In an earlier version, the cache did not cope quite as well with many posts. This has since been fixed, so is not an issue.

    We are not sure what is causing this background caching issue, as we can see most people do not have the issue, and when we compare a working site to one that has this issue, we can see no obvious cause.

    As we are working actively on the next major release (V3), I am hoping that a new caching system will resolve this issue.


    This is still a problem, even on a local installation of WP. Did anybody figure what causes this?

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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