Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Range – Number meta key?

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  • Anonymous


    I am creating a design database and i want to insert the design price. It would be great if users could insert their min-budget and max-budget. How do i add these prices in the posts… and how do i let it index the posts?


    Something like a star rating system like the demo


    If you do not have a custom field for price, you should first create one. This (free) plugin will enable you to do that:

    Remember, the field data must contain ONLY numbers, decimal points are allowed, but not thousands separators nor currency symbols nor any other text).


    Thanks, is there a tutorial available that explains how the star rating system is made on the demo site?


    I suspect that it uses hand coding of the theme. Your needs would be different. Do you have a visual concept of what you need, or a detailed proposal? I can then help you specifically with what you need.


    The idea
    meta key

    I made some illustrations to give you an idea.


    meta key

    the other image did not upload


    i’m sorry it still didnt work


    Ah, I see the issue. Some site data re-design is necessary. Categories/Tags/Taxonomies can only contain textual data, and so cannot be filtered as numbers. This is a restriction of WordPress. As I said in an earlier post, you must make a budget custom field (post meta) instead, and transfer the data across. Then it will allow you to select the field (note, if you use ACF, pick the meta key name that does NOT start with an underscore).


    Alright, thank you Trevor! I will try this.

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