Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with results of a search and then applying filters

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  • Anonymous

    I have 2 problems which I think are related;

    If I do an initial search with tags the results are displayed as expected. However, If I then apply any of the filtering criteria nothing updates. Normal filtering is working fine – it’s only after I’ve done a search that it stops working.

    Also, if I browse to one of my categories and then apply one of the filters, the results that it shows are from the complete catalogue and not just the category that I was browsing.

    Not really sure what else to try. I’ve used both shortcodes and archive templates and the same thing happens.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Mike can you send me a link?



    Hi Ross,

    Quick update; if I click on one of the product categories in the left column and then apply a filter it seems to work fine. Choosing the same category from the main menu at the top doesn’t work when applying the filter. Search and then applying a filter doesn’t work for either.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    I think what you are referring to is a feature thats on the roadmap…

    So basically if you are on a category page – say “beaches” (through your main nav), then you also want the search form preselected to “beaches” so that if anyone does a search they don’t need to change anything to search within current category?

    This is the WP URL when browsing a category:

    This is a search result for a category:

    I will add this feature to the plugin but not sure on timelines yet – if it must be seamless, I would be tempted to update the URLs in your navigation, and have your categories linking to the search results instead – so use this in your nav:

    Also just to note, if you set a slug (under display results) you can get rid that nasty sfid=257 in the URL 🙂



    Hi Ross,

    That’s a good solution. I’ve updated the menus as you suggested so they link directly to the plugin’s results page.

    Any thoughts on the search problem? If I do a search for the word ‘kata’ for example, it brings up a list of results. I then need to be able to filter those results with the plugin but nothing seems to work.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    So if I enter the search term ‘a’ (which generates a lot of results), and then start using the filters they work fine?

    It seems that there is something limiting your search results to only display if a search term has been entered (this is likely a template/theme issue).

    There are 2 things you could try (remember to undo these changes if they don’t work for you)

    1) Under “advanced” set force “is_search” to true (tick)


    2) modify your template to edit this out – I don’t know how to do it with your theme but I recently gave some similar advice here (check the last part where I mention line 74):



    Thanks Ross. The set force “is_search” to true doesn’t work for me. I’d already looked at the FAQ and the part about editing line 71 but I can’t find that code in the custom template that I’m using. However, I did manage to find the line;
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    It didn’t have the other code that you said needed deleting. I don’t know what else I can try. The custom template that I’m using is archive-product.php
    I guess I’m missing something within it?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    I wouldn’t be able to tell what is going on in your theme – but something, somewhere is interfering – it could even be another plugin so I would try disabling those to see…

    If thats not the case, then other than contacting your theme author or hiring a dev, I would suggest to create a test page according to the instructions here:

    Follow the “a quick tutorial”, create a very basic page with results (exactly as per instructions) and send me the link – I’m hoping this will work, and then you will just have to style your search results 🙂



    Got it! It’s the Relevanssi plugin. Everything is working fine when it’s disabled. Unfortunately, it’s a plugin I need so that people can search by tags and categories. I’ve tried re-enabling it and building the index without success.

    Is this problem unique to me because I couldn’t find any other reports of this conflict and I know you’ve built your plugin to work with Relevanssi. I also tried it with the twenty fifteen theme and had the same problem.

    Thanks, Ross

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mike

    Yeah S&F does work with relevanssi – check in the settings box under “advanced” you have 2 options, for is_search and enabled relevanssi…

    Try playing around with those 🙂


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