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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro how to filter results using an advanced custom field

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  • Herco Terweij

    Hii there.

    I have a custom posttype that uses advanced custom fields. This is, sith searcg & filter pro a powerfull combo. However i stumbled upon a problem. I cant seem to find out how i should sort de results using a custom field..

    Trevor Moderator

    Custom Fields are properly call Post Meta:

    So you would sort by Meta Value.

    Be warned of two things though:

    #1 see this post about Post Meta Key names when using the ACF plugin:

    #2 If you sort by Meta Value, if a post has NO value set, the post will be excluded completely from the results. Thus, the Post Meta you sort on needs to have a vlaue for every post (this can be forced in the ACF Group field settings).

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