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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hierarchical levels not always displaying at the correct level

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  • Gordon McAlpin

    Per your request, here is a new support ticket!

    If you look at the Filter By Date Tags combobox on this page β€” you can see that 1927, 1928, and 1929 are displayed at the top level, when they should be under 1920s (you can see that the count includes them), and 1934–1938 should be under 1930s, as well.

    What’s weird is that SOME of the sub-categories do appear at correct level of indentation.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gordon

    We’re now closed until the 4th, but want to get this resolved quickly.

    When I’m back in the office I’ll get some login details off you and take a proper look.

    A couple of things:

    1) S&F bases its hierarchical display of the WP function wp_list_categories:

    Try to use this in your theme somewhere (ensure hierarchical is true and you specify the correct taxonomy) and let me know if you still have issues with that function?

    2) I actually rewrote a bit of the hierarchical stuff recently – so I’ve emailed you the dev version if you feel like testing.

    Just remember to backup the files from your current version of S&F incase you need to roll back while I’m away.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Gordon

    I think this user may have nailed the issue:

    Does this sound like whats happening in your setup too?


    Gordon McAlpin

    Sorry, I’ve been swamped with another project lately.

    I think you might have posted the wrong link? You just posted a link to this thread.

    I just tried the category_list, by the way:

    Category List
    Search and Filter Pro

    Ross Moderator

    Sorry this was the link :/

    And yup, looking at that now it seems to be the same problem

    I’ll be working on this issue next πŸ™‚

    Gordon McAlpin

    πŸ™‚ No worries. But yes, that looks like the common thread!

    You can see in the images above how 1927 displays at the wrong level in Search and Filter Pro (the bottom image), and in the top image (with just the category list), that has three levels (1920s / 1927 / and the various months that have results).

    It also looks like it’s the SIXTH item that breaks, although maybe this is a coincidence. But in his post, the first one that displays at the wrong level is Greece (the sixth sub-category of Europe); in mine, 1927 is the first one that displays at the wrong level, and it is the sixth sub-category of 1920s.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Gordon

    I just emailed you a fix. Let me know how you get on.


    Oka Tai-Lee
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    This is your thread here:

    Where a thread is quite old, it is generally a good idea to start a new thread but referring to the old, as I show.

    I am closing this thread.

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