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  • Anonymous

    I purchased the plugin as it’s just what I need.
    I uploaded the plugin and it won’t activate, I receive this error:

    Fatal error: Can’t use method return value in write context in
    /search-filter-pro/includes/class-search-filter-third-party.php on line 1409

    Can you please help?


    What version of PHP is your server using?


    Ah, I have yet to update it as I’m going through the site fixing plugins. What version do I need as minimum?


    Ideally, on at least PHP 7.0.x, but preferably 7.2 or higher.


    Got it, thank you. Will revert when I get it updated


    OK. I will wait to hear from you.


    Thank you, it is working now.
    But I’m having some trouble figuring it all out.

    So, I have my test search set up, you will see this here:
    But when the search runs with whatever selection, it always returns ALL results, not the category results.

    If I use the shortcode, I can return the right results, but not to template…

    I followed your notes and checked the theme “search.php” file, this is what I see:

    * @package 15Zine
    * @since 1.0.0

    <div id=”cb-content” class=”<?php esc_attr( codetipi_15zine_archive_layout_class() ); ?>”>
    <div class=”tipi-cols clearfix”>
    <div id=”main” class=”<?php esc_attr( codetipi_15zine_main_class() ); ?>”>
    <?php codetipi_15zine_get_sidebar( array( ‘archive’ => codetipi_15zine_preview_check() ) ); ?>

    I’m an amateur on this, so would appreciate your help. I’m sure it’s just me doing something wrong. Thanks in advance.


    It looks like your theme might be a ‘framework’ theme. What theme are you using? Does it have a page builder function or plugin?


    Hi Trevor, thanks for getting back to me. It is called 15Zine by Cubell themes.
    Yes, I believe that there is a page builder function in-built, for pages only but not posts.


    I see it. That builder we cannot use, sorry.

    We do support some third party page builders, like:

    Elementor Pro
    WPBakery Page Builder (from CodeCanyon)
    Beaver Builder

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