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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Displaying Posts


Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • saicharan

    Is it possible to display posts in the dropdown in this plugin? If possible means how can i display posts of the related categories in the dropdown.

    Trevor Moderator

    I can see at this time that you do not have a license, and so I cannot provide normal support to you.

    If you mean, can you have a form in which the Post Title is in a dropdown list, then, it is possible, but only if you duplicate the post title into a custom field and use that field as the data source for the dropdown.

    It is possible using WordPress hooks/functions to make the population of that custom field automatic when a post is saved (which means you would need to go back and re-save any exiting posts).

    I am not sure what you then mean by the question about related categories. I would need to see a graphic of the form design you had in mind, together with some further explanation.

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