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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Displaying custom links categories

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • C4 Comm

    I’ve just bought your plugin,

    I need it to search through a huge list of links created with “Simple Links”. Each links is associated to several categories and sub-categories (age, regions, services…).

    I understand that I have to use the Taxonomy field, to display dropdown, checkboxes etc.

    However, I’m not sure of how to relate it to a specific category !
    Do I really need to put every ID of the categories I don’t want to be displayed in the dropdown menu advanced settings ?

    There will be A LOT of ID for each field… Sorry I don’t get it.

    Thank you !

    Trevor Moderator

    I just installed this plugin on my test server. It seems simple and should work with our plugin. Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    I have a suspicion as to what might be wrong, that you are using the custom taxonomy simple_link_category to have many parent/child groups, and each group is to be its own field to search from. But instead you should have more custom taxonomies (these are relatively easy to make and transfer terms from one to the other). See this post:

    C4 Comm

    Hi !

    Thank you for your answer,
    Here is the page :

    And the screenshot of my settings :

    Of course I would like differents Taxonomy custom fields (dropdown of the Regions, checkboxes for Age…), one per category !

    As you can see, I can’t select the category I want, but I can exclude the categories I don’t want to display (“Exclude IDs”) which is annoying when there is a lot of ID/categories !

    Same thing for the blog categories using the field custom Categories, can’t select the category I want, just the ID I want to exclude.

    C4 Comm

    Hi, any anwser ? Thanks

    Trevor Moderator


    It is as I said. You need to make some more (new) custom taxonomies and transfer the taxonomy terms. Then there is no need to exclude.

    C4 Comm

    Wow, it was a bit tricky to understand, sorry.

    I did not understand I had to install a plugin like CPT UI, I had to look for more informations on the forum, by chance, someone had the same exact problem than me.

    Is there a section about that in the Documentation ? If not, maybe you should explain more ?

    So, I decided to uninstall Simple Links, as CPT does a very good job, I did not know that plugin. I added ACF as well. Now that I have understood this part, I can explore S&F.

    Thank you for your help !

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, you are beginning to understand data organisation within WordPress. We will be totally revamping our documentation when we make our next major release of our plugin.

    Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know how you got on. I will close this thread for now.

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