Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display meta information for custom post type in search results

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  • Anonymous

    Thanks for a great plugin!

    I´m using SF with WP job manager and would like the search results to display the same way as when using the built in filter in WP job manager. I have tried using what I assume is the template for displaying search results in WP job manager specifically content-job_listing.php by copying it to the theme folder as explained in the docs. This does not work, maybe I´m using the wrong template or something. But the results does not display the right way.

    So now I´m wondering if I can edit the SF results.php template in a way that would fetch the meta information in the WP job manager job_listing custom post type. Meta like location, company thumbnail, job expiration date and so on, and display it in the search results. Then I could style it with css myself. Is there a way to do this? I´m not a very advanced user so I probably need a little dumbed down explanation.

    Kind regards


    Normally, there is not a major issue with integrating with the WP Job Manager plugin, so are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Other users tend to use the Post Type Archive display results method. Does that not work for you?

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    Which Post Type are you searching? Vacancies I think. This is made by the WP Job Manager plugin, and so the plugin must be taking over that post type and its archive.

    I spoke to another user who had this plugin also, but, looking at their current website, I cannot see our plugin in use. This would suggest they too have not found a way to combine these two plugins.

    Are you able to ask the developer of WP Job Manager if the plugin has a hook that can be used to add another argument to the wp_query that it runs?

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    I need to be able to see a ‘good’ page and a ‘bad’ page side by side (live so that I can examine the HTML) to see what is missing. Likely the bad page needs the HTML structure and classnames adding.

    Are you able to provide this?

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