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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Depend fields make model

Viewing 10 posts - 41 through 50 (of 65 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    That is the problem Robert, I do NOT understand the explanation. I do not understand what is wrong.

    Trevor Moderator

    Our posts crossed.

    I understand the need for the user to enter their car, why can they not do that with separate taxonomies?

    Trevor Moderator

    Or does the theme come with its own user submission form, which cannot be changed?

    robert stojanovic

    i ask before how user can sale own car with this new category if you go to website there is no new category only old we fix one break other i mena filter work but this is for online shop where only admin add new products and user only search in this case filter great but its not for car dirtectory or any other directory where user add own products becuae new category dotn see in submit form

    Trevor Moderator

    You are not able to add the new taxonomies to the submit form?

    robert stojanovic


    Trevor Moderator

    mmm. I didn’t ask that question so well, but you cannot change the submission form. Then that is a major problem.

    robert stojanovic

    yes your plugin like i say only if we have website withoput user submit like online shop i mena after make taxonomie work but…..user need select castonomie in submit form then filter can search

    Trevor Moderator

    You have asked the theme maker if the submit form can be changed?

    robert stojanovic

    this is appthemes and all this is custom made and all help trough forum there is not send email to author button

Viewing 10 posts - 41 through 50 (of 65 total)

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