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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date picker translation

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Gianfranco

    How I can translate the name of months and days in the popup calendar of datepicker?
    I want set it in italian language. Thanks

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gianfranco

    I’m not sure how to translate this actually! We are just using the jQuery date picker, I’ll have a look in to their documentation and see if I can integrate that with this plugin. We are using the jQuery datepicker that is built in to WP, so I imagine there must be a way to change this on a theme level – I’ll take a look anyway and get back to you.


    Thibaut Soufflet

    Hey Ross
    It’s been 8 years now since this topic is open.

    Do you have an answer ? Because I’d like the Date Picker to show the months and days in French.

    Thank you !

    Thibaut Soufflet

    Ok just found the answer by myself!
    I give the answer for others.

    In Search & Filter > Settings then check the box “Load jQuery UI i18n files”.
    This will automatically show the language you set in WordPress Settings.

    That’s all !

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