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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Custom template for search result

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  • Cristina Morbidoni

    I’ve created a page on that i’ve inserted my form ( with shortcode) and in the same page or also in an other i’ve inserted the shortcode with search result .
    All work correctly but the resutl layout is not good and i’d want to customize so i’ve followed this doc but i do not understand how to create a template that can be used on my Page Builder Elementor PRO
    Someone can help me ?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using Elementor Pro, you may want to use the Post Grid element that comes with it. See this post:

    Cristina Morbidoni

    Hello Trevor,
    Thank You for your help.
    I’ve tried to use also the post grid widget setting the query to product and in the wodget i see all my products but when i select a field on my form it does not give me any result.

    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Trevor Moderator

    I am not sure it is normal to use a Post Grid element for WooCommerce (you did not mention it was WooCommerce) in Elementor. I think there is already a template for WooCommerce in Elementor or your theme, so you would set the form to WooCommerce display results method, and show our form on the page using our form widget, with no special code or javascript needed.

    I think that the Ajax Container needs to be .products for WooCommerce, the pagination selector I would have to check.

    There are two Search operators you can use within a taxonomy (such as Product Category):


    The default is AND and this would have the effect of making less results as you select more terms.

    Conversely, OR will increase the number of results as you add more terms.

    It is possible you have the wrong one selected in the field setting.

    As to layout/styling. Some custom CSS can do as you want. I have had other users set the field as checkbox, but hide the checkboxes and style the terms more as tags (with border etc), but that is easy to do, if we can get this working OK.

    Many other users have WooCommerce and Elementor working OK, so it should work.

    Cristina Morbidoni
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Cristina Morbidoni
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