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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Category of Custom Post Types not showing

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  • Dale Leung


    1. my custom post types were created by CPT UI. Each post types has it’s own taxonomies. There is an option to include them from your UI. However, it’s not showing in frontend. When I included “category” search, the only thing that showed up was WP-default categories. I am certain that I’m missing something that the doc, video did not show.

    2. For tags, in dropdox mode, it displays at frontend like so:
    tag1 (3)
    tag2 (0)
    tag3 (20)
    The count is displayed beside the name of the tags. Is there an option to disable the “count” of each tag? Reason is, when I do multi-filter, the count is not good for those with “submit button” mode. For example, tag1 (3) may belong only to “post_type #1”. However, if user selects “post_type #2”, the tag1 (3) will still show as “3”, which confuses the user. I have some trouble with the Ajax and my own custom search result page (also using ajax). The autoload ajax feature only worked on first filter selection. Subsequent filter selection on same input box did not work and I’ll try to troubleshoot on my own first.

    3. Your search result shortcode provides a handy way to reveal the filtered result. However, they are in a one-column picture-on-top words-below style. I wish to render filtered results using your results engine using my own style. The style should change depending on the originating S&F shortcode/id. I believe you’ve done through result.php in the plugin file. Appreciate if you could share some pointers.


    Dale Leung

    I’ve found the solution for 3. I should use “taxonomies” instead of “categories”. Now left with question 2. & 3.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dale

    So to answer your points

    2) I’m working on this as a feature, so the search form will auto update, even if autosubmit is not enabled

    3) For customising results using the shortcode method check here:


    Dale Leung

    Hi Ross,

    2) Thanks! Look forward to it! I’ll go for production on current version first.

    3) Woh … that easy! Thanks!

    Please keep up the good work. Meanwhile, I’ve been testing it with WPSearch (licensed/full version) abit but has yet to figure out how their keyword weighted average system gels with S&F but I suspect I’m overlooking things. Will let you know if I succeeds.

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