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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Blank options appear in search filter

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 18 total)
  • Keith White

    Our client recently removed a few people from their website which has resulted in a few blank options appearing in the filter. They don’t want to take the time to go to each item that the people were associated to and de-associate them (via ACF) each time they want to remove someone. Is there a quick fix to eliminate the blank options from showing?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Keith White
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    Trevor Moderator

    You could use this filter:

    To check which options have blanks (is it for labels or values, or both) and remove them from the array, but that can also sometimes go wrong. It would also slow things down a bit.

    I am thinking jQuery might work, but you would need to code that yourself.

    Keith White
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    As the field is a Post Meta field, the easiest option is to set the list to manual values and simply add all but those.

    But, each time they add a new one to the site, or remove one, they would have to manually adjust the list.

    Keith White

    Ugh, we try to make things as easy as possible for our clients and we really need to avoid them having to manually add/remove items each time. If we wanted to do this via the Filter Input Object or via jQuery, any insight as to how to try and accomplish it?

    Trevor Moderator

    I have referred this to the plugin developer, Ross, for his input.

    Keith White

    Thank you!

    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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