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Forums Forums General Automatic Update


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Pia Birgitta Vogt

    Although the license key is valid and active, the plugin never updates.

    Trevor Moderator

    Please make a full site backup before updating.

    Sometimes, a site is activated when it is a development domain, and when the domain is changed, you would need to deactivate the licence, then activate it again, so the live domain name is activated and registered on our server. So, also check if Your Account shows the exact same domain.

    You might need to deactivate the licence, wait over an hour (this is important to let our cache clear) and then reactivate, and then wait again.

    Alternatively, you can download the new version from Your Account. Then, go to Plugins -> Add New, choose the upload option, and WordPress will then give you the option to use that file to update the plugin, even though the old version is still installed.


    I’ve got the same problem. For several months now.
    Can this automatic update be fixed?

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Ruben

    Can you raise a ticket about this on our new support ticket system?

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