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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'woocommerce'

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  • Hans Peeters

    Hello Support,

    I know filters do work in combination with elementor.
    However the setup is quite specific. In our situation it didnt work.

    Im using the following plugins;
    – Elementor Pro (latest version)
    – Woocommerce 3.9

    – Elementor Pro Theme Builder;
    — With a Woo Product-Archive template
    — with Widget posts
    —(tried widget posts archive)
    -No page present, just the default/automatic URI with taxonomies from “hello elementor” theme

    I tried and tried but filters dont work on product-archives in the theme builder..
    I see the AJAX working in custom on the container but the woo-product wont change. There is no selection.

    I know the filters will work when I start using pages/elementor-templates…
    but then I have to add a page for every taxonomy that is created is just too much..that is not an option.

    I tried and tried again in the settings..over and over making several combinations with results…shortcodes, the elementor-add on. But nothing worked.

    So I know you have a great product and will work in other setups…but its not for us.

    So can I ask for a refund? Offcourse you might suggest a thing I missed?
    Maybe its something like a check box..or what ever….but i just suspect your product just cannot be used on product-archives in the theme builder from elementor pro.

    Payment: #349207
    Paypal: 43661073MT0111240


    Salomon Acuña

    Hi there! I’m the guy trying to make the filter for the spare parts shop.

    I find this plugin: and I buy it. It works well, and the filter problem have been solved but the filter is not as good as yours and not as flexible too.

    I was wondering if maybe there is a way to integrate the functionality from that plugin into yours. I have explore a lot and I haven’t found that the plugin uses nor CPT or Custom Fields or Custom Taxonomies (that’s why I have not be able to integrate it with your plugin) but maybe if you take a look at it you can point me in the right direction.



    It is theoretically possible, but you would need a coder’s help. If, in our plugin’s Settings page (not the form itself) you have not already done so, change the Combobox script from Chosen to Select2. The Chosen script is included with/used by our plugin by default. However, it is now pretty much abandoned and has not received any major updates in a long time. It has poor support for iOS devices for example.

    In the current version of our plugin, there is an option in our settings page to choose which (Combobox) script to use.

    Go to wp-admin -> Search & Filter -> Settings -> Combobox Script

    Change this from Chosen to Select2

    The Select2 script is then available for you to apply to the form. Select2 is maintained now by the WooCommerce team, who are, of course, owned by Automattic, the owners of WordPress, and as such is used by a lot of themes and plugins. In the next version of our plugin, we will switch to Select2 as the default.



    Hi Luciano

    Regarding #1 – I’m not sure its possible.

    Right now we work the same way as default WooCommerce, which is to dislay the parent product in the shop only, and if variation is matched, the parent is displayed.

    Clicking on the product will show usually show the product, with the variations that are available.

    We hope with S&F version 3.0 (or shortly after) to make it possible to also show variations as individual results.

    Shame we don’t support this at the moment!


    This reply has been marked as private.

    naoki Atanda
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Luciano Lucas

    Great, I will explore this route for #2, it could work 🙂

    For #1, I’m not sure we are talking about the same thing:

    Formato is an Attribute and creates Variations for the same product. I want to be able to select any Formato choice and get as a result a list of the variations for this Formato, not the products containing the variations. Something similar to what this plugin does: but paired with filtering, so it only shows Variations when I select them (and not all variations always, as this plugin does)

    I can imagine that this is not possible out of the box, but maybe you have any idea on how we can solve this…

    Thanks a lot!

    This reply has been marked as private.


    One issue I see is the use of two forms on the same results page. This will change with V3 (due in a month or two), but, for now, when referring to the results page, having a cloned/duplicated form (having more than one instance of the same form), or multiple different forms, will potentially be an issue, as doing this can mean that they don’t work together and often will conflict with each other. Just be aware that this is possible (likely), so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    You CAN have more than one form on any page other than the results page.

    So, to the question, the fields updating is controlled by Auto Count, but Auto Count does not affect range controls (in your case Precio and Graduación). Range type fields do not filter down to take account of other form field choices in the current version of our plugin, although that behaviour may change in V3, which we plan to release in a few months (in the New Year).

    This is intentional, as explained here:

    I am not sure if this answers your questions?


    Luciano Lucas

    Hi again,

    I had 2 questions:

    1. My Woocommerce store uses Variable Products. All variations came from one Attribute (Format). Filtering products by this Attribute gets all the products sharing the same Format, but the price displayed under each product is a range price for all variations, not the price for this selected Format. This way it’s impossible to do further filtering based on Format + Price. Any way to solve this?

    2. I use an ACF date field for my products (to display Packing Date). As the Date picker doesn’t make sense in my searches (user needs to select by month/year) I’m using Choice/Dropdown to display my dates on the search form and adjusted the ACF fields to display Month/Year only. It works, but I get duplicated options on the dropdown. I’m forced by ACF to select a D/M/Y for each product and, as the Days can be different from one product to another, multiple options are added to the dropdown (all displaying same month/year). Is it possible to “group” options so I don’t have duplications on this Dropdown?

Viewing 10 results - 21 through 30 (of 1,988 total)