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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'woocommerce'

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  • Yael Schwartzman

    I am not sure if this is what caused the error but I changed the shop page’s slug to something else and the filter stopped working. Then I changed it back and re-built the cache but didn’t work

    I do get the filters on the off-canvas filter but they don’t filter my products.


    Paul Nye

    I am adding many products to Woo Commerce on a WordPress site with Search and Filter Pro Version 2.5.4
    I have added 2 custom attribute fields (I named these 2 fields ‘old’ and ‘new’) and they will be used for model numbers
    So, now when I am building a new search form, I dont see a way to be able to search based on these 2 woocommerce attribute fields. Should I be able to do this?


    This reply has been marked as private.

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Are you using the WooCommerce manage stock functionality?


    Dean Claydon

    Hi there,

    Thank you for this plugin, it has served us well over the years!

    We have a website which has been using the plugin for some time but we noticed an issue that has been occurring for the last two versions (I haven’t checked further back). We are running latest WooCommerce and WordPress.

    The issue can be summarised into the following:

    – We have a product attribute ‘Pot colour’
    – We have a S&F filter which uses the attribute ‘Pot colour’
    – The ‘Pot colour’ attribute is also used for many variable products where there are multiple colour options
    – When the ‘Pot colour’ filter is used, only simple products* are shown

    Other attribute filters when used show both simple and variable products.

    *All variable products use ‘Pot colour’ and no other attribute so I don’t know whether it’s excluding all variable or just variable products with this attribute.

    Thanks in advanced




    I am not sure what you mean by empty ranges, but … range type fields do not filter down to take account of other form field choices in the current version of our plugin, although that behaviour may change in V3, which we plan to release in a few months (in the New Year).

    This is intentional, as explained here:


    In reply to: search results issue


    I think that the problem is that your form setting for the Ajax Container is #main, but for WooCommerce it would need to be .products.


    Agnieszka Skuza

    I’m trying to configure woocommerce products search. It works nice with blog posts, but unfortunately not with products. Website is created with Oxygen builder. Website is in maintanance mode, I need to give you WP credentials to see it.

    Best Regards,


    Hi Hans!

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting setup.

    We should work fine with product archive and product attributes archives, all from one search form.

    What you need to do:

    1) Install our elementor addon (I think you already did)
    2) In your search form choose display results methodWooCommerce Shop
    3) Tick the box underneath – enable on taxonomy archives (this allows the form to work on those archives)
    4) Untick “enable ajax” – this can cause plenty of issues that are straight foward to fix, but disabling will help us see if there are any other issues underneath.

    If that doesn’t work, I’d be happy to advice further, in that case, please provide temporary admin logins in a private reply.


Viewing 10 results - 11 through 20 (of 1,988 total)