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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'search_filter_update_post_cache'

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  • #288948


    Can i use this Code u posted:

    add_action(‘pmxi_saved_post’, ‘wp_all_import_post_saved’, 1000, 1);

    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
    do_action(‘search_filter_update_post_cache’, $id);

    for updating the cache after import with wpallimport? id i understand that the right way?
    do i have to put the code in the function.php or fuction editor ind wpallimport?



    This is added to the functions.php file to make sure imported records are indexed by S&F and Relevanssi:

    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_post_saved', 1000, 1);
    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);
        relevanssi_index_doc($id, true, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true);

    I am not sure if you are using Relevanssi or not? If not, you don’t need this line:

    relevanssi_index_doc($id, true, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true);


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    One Ltd
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    One Ltd


    We are using an ACF relationship field that gets updated on the ‘acf/save_post’ hook with the values from another 2 acf relationship fields. It all works and I can see the value in the database, however, for certain relationships (even with the database showing the correct data) we can’t see them in the filter options. The relationship is displayed as a ‘checkbox’ filter, where users can tick it and filter.
    I have tried rebuilding the cache, deleting the meta_key and recreating it (in the acf/save_post hook), clearing the wp_cache_delete of that post, and finally also calling do_action(‘search_filter_update_post_cache’, $post_id); for the post and all the posts in the relationship.

    None of which worked. The only way to make it work, is to remove the relationship, update the post (with removed relationship) and then re-add the relationship and update the post.

    I need some help to understand what is the problem.


    In reply to: Multiple Tags fields

    Shaun Trivedi
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    do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $post_id); – this clears thee cache of a particular post.
    But how can I rebuilt the cache of a search form (I am talking about the “rebuild cache” option on the search form edit screen) from code?



    In reply to: Brings Whole Site Down

    Jason Hodge
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    In reply to: Cache at time interval


    Are you using a plugin like WP All Import to update the posts? If so, you would need this code in your child theme’s functions.php file:

    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_post_saved', 1000, 1);
    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);

    If you are also using Relevanssi (a third party text search replacement plugin) and have set the form to use it for text searches, it would need to be this:

    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_post_saved', 1000, 1);
    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);
        relevanssi_index_doc($id, true, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true);


    Yes, you will need to follow this guidance:

    You could probably add just this one line:

    relevanssi_index_doc($id, true, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true);

    That’s what I would do, so it would look like this:

    add_action('pmxi_saved_post', 'wp_all_import_post_saved', 1000, 1);
    function wp_all_import_post_saved($id) {
        do_action('search_filter_update_post_cache', $id);
        relevanssi_index_doc($id, true, relevanssi_get_custom_fields(), true);
Viewing 10 results - 1 through 10 (of 112 total)