Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'elementor'

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  • Trevor


    Are you working with Elementor Pro? Are you using the Posts module, or maybe the Archive Posts module?

    They need some special setup if you are.

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?



    Hi Anthony

    Can we take a look at the site?

    Our plugin works well with Elementor, and we’ve just finished (Friday) an addon plugin which makes them work even better together – there should be no issues with the two.




    Your plugin breaks elementor.


    I am using elementor pro, and ACF some of the fields in ACF are set to show conditionally. if i load results using ajax all the conditional logic fields that should be hidden show. This only happens after setting any type of filter and continues until the page is refreshed.

    Dave L



    My configuration:
    – WordPress 5.3.2
    – Astra theme (child)
    – Elementor v2.9.7 (basic version)
    – Woocommerce 4.0.1

    I used a shortcode and I managed to place two filters for a product page:
    – Taxonomy with a Checkbox (the data is detected correctly)
    – Post Meta with a Range-dropdown (data is also detected well)

    Filters are displayed correctly on the page, but they have no effect on product selection. I click on it (after updating and refreshing the page, of course) and nothing happens.

    I must say that I only used the shortcode called “Search Form Shortcode”. Because by using the other two it displayed the wrong products and distorted the product images.

    Thanks for your help. Sorry for the translation errors, I’m French, I do my best



    I am not sure what is needed? If I do as you say, the posts are rearranged. Is there something wrong?

    Or, do you mean that the result cards show the ‘overall score’ by default, and, when you sort by ‘corporate income tax’, you want those numbers to show instead?

    Please understand that our plugin has no control over the display of the posts and their content. That is determined by Elementor or the posts plugin for Elementor (if you are using one).

    The best you could do is to display both values all the time, with a label to show which is which.


    I just purchased Search & Filter Pro. Couldn’t get the filter & search functions going on this page:

    [Details redacted by @trevorsf]

    Really appreciate if you can help me.



    Ok thank you for your suggest so, if i’ve uderstood i’ve done a good choice also if do not work well with a need to show the featured image of categry related to single product.
    I’d need to can foudn and show the featued images of catgeries related to the single product but in Elementor there is not this option.
    Thank you



    Thanks for all your help so far!

    Let me try to clarify – if you type in a search on any page (by clicking the search icon in the navigation bar) it takes you to a search results page For example, type in “pesach” and it takes you to this url The page with search results is using an Elementor template that applies to all archive and search pages. You can see that I inserted a search form in the sidebar but if you try to filter the results of your search, it will just reset to filter the whole site. I’m not sure what the correct settings would for that S&F form to function correctly.

    It’s possible that it doesn’t work because S&F isn’t linked to the search icon located in the page header. Is that an issue?



    I believe I figured out the conflict – on the AE Post Block pagination option, Ajax had to be disabled. Now it seems to work correctly.

    One last question – is there any way to create a search form to filter the search results page for the whole site? I don’t believe Elementor has a search.php, instead I have a template created to display the search results and I don’t know how to target that url as required in the “Custom” Display results method.

Viewing 10 results - 641 through 650 (of 1,069 total)