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  • #250777


    With Elementor, you should now be using our new Elementor extension and a different method, see here (the download for the extension is at the top of the page):



    I am using elementor pro and using the products widget. I have set the “source” to “search and filter queury” and “search and filter” query to my query.
    I set a No Results Found text but it is not honoured, i just get the generic No Results Found message.
    I am also using infinite scroll.

    Another issue i have is the double load effect, i read the documentation but i am unsure how to fix that when using the elementor products widget.




    Hi Ross.
    Don’t know why but I missed your reply, sorry.
    In the meantime I found the S&F Elementor extension plugin, so I get something similar to what I needed using an Elementor widget (Posts) instead of using an Elementor template already created that I wanted to apply to get the same layout of other pages. Not good, not too bad. I think that if in the next V3 version you could add the feature to apply Elementor templates to your search results, this should be a very good feature to get better pages layout in a very simple way due to Elementor templates system and this will make happy so many users. Thanx


    Hi team,

    I am building a website to sell videos. I wish customers to be able to use range sider to pick up the video length they want. I don’t know how to do it, and search through the forum, nobody did this before.

    I hope you could recommend a meta key to put video length in, or suggest a plugin if the current setting cannot make this happen.

    Some other info: I am using Elementor pro to set up the page.




    Well, now I coded the search filter as the plugin is not able to solve my issue (the reason of this thread). I did change the code of submit.php to add Elementor code for styling the submit button.
    I would probably edit the range slider to add extra classes to better style the labels and the prefix text as I can’t for example say From [value field] – to [value] because there is only one prefix field in the Range filter.

    The plugin looks promising. I hope you’ll add more options to it and many more classes, so we can style it more. Also, I hope you’ll add an option to have a horizontal layout. Let’s see v3!

    And thank you for your quick replies Trevor!



    Most of what you ask for can be done with our plugin, yes. But, Elementor does not have the option to switch views, so you would need to custom code your own PHP template to achieve that (and probably use a toggle outside our form coded by you to add/remove a controlling class that changes the CSS to cause the results to switch between display types).

    BTW, the WordPress option for ‘ALL’ when setting ‘posts per page’ is to set this to -1, so that would be how to achieve that.



    could you please advise if we could do the below,

    We need a dynamic page that have all posts listed with a filter to browse chronologically by published date, author, category and add a switch between grid view and list view with the option to display 10-20-50- 100 posts per page and to list them all without paging.

    please be noted that the website is using rtl language and elementor pro


    I want to have a/the “reset” button for the filter placed on a specific place in the page.
    How can I do that? – The default filter-reset does what it should do but with no control over the location & style this gets ugly.
    Fast feedback is appreciated.

    I am working with elementor pro & have also the addon installed.



    I’m sorry in advanced If I’m asking in the wrong place perhaps this is an Elemtnor issue. I’m very new to WordPress and webdesign in general so please be nice!

    I have a Custom Post grid in Elementor and I’m using search and filter pro to allow people to search though them on the front end using the ajax feature, this works completely fine and I’m impressed however my issue is under layout when I try to alter the number of displayed post nothing happens at all and my pagination just reloads the same posts. 🙁

    I found a slight solution when I go onto query and change it from search and filter to my custom post type then the displayed number and pagination works fine BUT It then completely disables the search and filter.



    Are you using the Elementor Pro plugin? If so, we have an additional extension for that, download from the top of these instructions:

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