Search Results
Topic: Individual Vendor Pages
Is it possible add results for individual vendor pages from Woocommerce Product Vendors?
These are templates like an author page. For example a link to a vendor page would be http://www.example.com/vendor/vendor-name and this shows some info about the vendor. I can filter by vendors and I do see them listed in the Tags, Cats & Tax section but I cannot get the individual pages to show.
First off all, your images are missing from documentation:
Containers & Selectors
To help explain the above a little more clearly take a look at the following images to give a better overview of the area and type of content they are supposed to contain.[metaslider id=81897]
Second, I want to know if the infinite scroll is compatible with the Divi Builder.
AlinTopic: Divi shop
Hello I have a wordpress and woocommerce website and divi. I use the shop divi module to list a product category.
I would like to know if your filter is able to sort the products directly in the divi shop.
I made a test page https://www.electromenagiste.ch/shop. My problem … I have to find a solution before the end of the weekTopic: Woocommerce Product List
Hi Trevor!
I am having a problem with my Search & Filter Pro, ACF, Woocommerce, Divi setup. When I setup filters they don’t work at all, the same products are shown in the list before the filteration happens as before. I have search & filter pro setup to go to a woocommerce shop page.
link to the page: https://linthforreal.apps-1and1.net/classic
Topic: Woocommerce Shop and 404
I have WooCommerce 3.4.4 and Search & Filter Pro 2.4.4 installed on my WordPress 4.9.8 installation. I have the WooCommerce products (shop) page displayed on an interior page /product/. When I set the Search Filter -> Display Results -> to “WooCommerce Shop” the /product/ page returns an Error 404 page. The individual product pages work fine, it’s just the shop page that returns this error. I followed the instructions per this url, https://searchandfilter.com/documentation/3rd-party/woocommerce/, but the error persists. When I set the Display Results to anything else, the shop page returns. I’m using a custom theme. What’s curious is, when I use a WordPress theme like “twentyseventeen” or even a WooCommerce theme like “storefront” the shop page returns. Though, I tested several different custom themes that were hosted at WordPress.org, that’s not built by WordPress, and the shop page disappears again. What is this plugin looking for that WordPress themes have, that custom themes don’t seem to have? I thought I solved this before by using the old WooCommerce method of creating the WooCommerce.php and adding theme support, but with recent changes it looks like we need to use the latest WooCommerce method, and solve why Search Filter Pro breaks the shop page. – Thank you!