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  • #221568


    How complete is the project? Having separate CPTs is OK, but one taxonomy across all CPTs is not so good, as WordPress does not handle well a taxonomy shared by more than one CPT.

    So, Tags (as shipped with WordPress) are for Posts, but should not be used for other CPTs. It is possible to do, but not advised. Better to use a custom field (as can be made with Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Filtering is then possible across multiple (Custom) Post Types, as ACF allows field groups to be assigned to more than one Post Type. Sorting then becomes easier too.

    Also, when our form is attached to an Elementor Post Grid, Elementor will apply this to the Post Types set in the form, not just ‘Posts’.

    I really need to step you through the process as you build it, so start small and build up?

    Try as I suggest with Elementor Post Grid, S&F and ACF and make a form and get this working first. Please see this post also:



    Hi Nigel

    I see that you are filtering events, and using the Post Type Archives display results method. This would normally act upon the ‘events’ archives page, but I went to [your-url]/events and it is not there?

    What is the URL of the page using the filter, and is that the defined archives page for that post type?

    I also see that you have Elementor installed. Did you use that to make the results/archives/events display?


    In reply to: 404 with pagination


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Are you using Elementor?


    Add this custom CSS to the theme:

    body.sfajax .elementor-255 .elementor-element.elementor-element-f133f8c .elementor-posts-container .elementor-post__thumbnail {
      padding-bottom: 0 !important;

    Then you need to add a javascript to the page:

    (function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxstart", ".searchandfilter", function(){

    I am hoping that will do it.



    The form is set to Shortcode, but should be Custom, whether the results are being made with Elementor or the Post Grid plugin.

    After doing that, the Ajax Container, currently set to #main, would then need to be changed, according to these instructions:

    to .post-grid


    In reply to: How to filter years?


    #1. You can use a theme template, which can be with the ‘As an Archive’ or the ‘Post Type Archive’ display results methods.
    #2. You can use the Shortcode method, as your are, but then you must code the template yourself. We give you a basic template ready for such coding, which is what is in use on your page now.
    #3. You can use the Custom method, and use a content plugin.

    Does your theme come bundled with a content/page builder plugin? Such as WPBakery Page Builder, Divi Builder, Elementor, Site Origin? Or you could use the free Post grid plugin:



    That code black is not necessary, as the way Elementor handles scripts inside code blocks it won’t be working anyway.



    As I said, it is because Elementor use their own, and not standard WordPress, code for the Next/Previous pagination, which we can’t hook in to.



    In Elementor settings, can you set it to numbers instead of next previous? Does that work? I think Elementor uses non-standard code for the Next/Previous option.



    I have set up search and filter with my elementor website but it has not worked as well as I wanted it to. Please help.

Viewing 10 results - 801 through 810 (of 1,069 total)