Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'Elementor'

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  • Trevor

    Ok. I am at your ticket now.

    I have made a few changes. I can see that Elementor does not use the standard WordPress pagination code to make Previous/Next links, but does use the standard WordPress code to make the numbers.

    I have set it to numbers and it works. For now, that will have to be the solution. I also enabled Ajax in the form, and added the necessary (modified) JavaScript to the text element above the grid so that Ajax can work.



    So. To summarize the situation and possible solution we found. You are using Elementor Pro, but for the Posts Grid you are using a module from the third party Essential Addons plugin. We adopted the solution from our documentation:

    But, it does not appear to need the script.

    The Ajax Container appears to need to be .elementor-widget-uael-posts and not what we show in our standard documentation.

    Your posts module has Infinite Scroll enabled, but we left pagination type as Normal.

    Let me know if this seems to work for you?



    That worked, thank you.

    Looking at the form, it is set as ‘Using a Shortcode’, but I see no sign in the page of the results shortcode being used.

    Instead, the page is set up to use Elementor. I am having some difficulty with the language, but please carefully follow this guidance (it will mean changes in the page and in the form). When editing the Text element, make sure you are in Text mode/tab, not visual mode/tab.



    Using Elementor, this is not possible, I am sorry. The list of posts is made by Elementor and not our plugin, and Elementor does not have such an option.




    i build a custom search site with your plugin, but when i open the site ( it shows me first all articles.

    I want to display none article until i use the search and filter function.

    How can i archive that?


    Hello, Search and Filter Pro team!

    First of all, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful plugin! I have tested multiple filter/search plugins and this is the only one that was really able to work with Elementor Pro properly.

    I’ve created my custom search bar with a few CSS tweaks and it looks fantastic!

    A quick background:

    One of my “post meta” range slider fields is called “length” and the value is in meters. It works perfectly as it is right now. It uses an ACF custom field called “length_meters”.

    My question is as follows:

    Do you have a hook/filter I can use to dynamically change that same range field to use another ACF field called “length_feet” and change the value postfix to “ft”?


    People want to view posts in meters or feet. It would be ideal if I could keep the same range field and simply switch out the source ACF field when a button/link is clicked.

    Thank you! I really appreciate it!
    Armando J. Perez Carreno



    Can you see if the same issue happens if you set the pagination to one of the other ‘types’ options? I think Elementor does something different (not standard WordPress Codex coding) for the version/type you are using.




    I’m using Search and Filter Pro and Elementor and used posts block to display the content but unfortunately, the back and next button aren’t working but the page number is working. Please help.


    Thank you Trevor

    Thank you. Your advise made me understand better tour plugin.
    I used your Elementor Documentation (i should have looked before 😉 ) and it works.




    If you do not need to use the JetEngine plugin, you should be able to use the standard Elementor Post Grid? Per this post:

Viewing 10 results - 761 through 770 (of 1,069 total)