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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with multiple category type fields

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  • Gianfranco

    Hi, I got a little problem here.
    I have a quite old wordpress website with Search and filter pro version 1.1.6.
    I got some search form, and in those forms I’m using up to 3 category type fields.

    Now I’ve upgraded Search and filter pro to the last version, and I’ve discovered that I cant’use more than one category field. So all my search forms are not working.

    Do you have any advice or workaround? Thanks in advance!

    Trevor Moderator

    You need to create additional (custom) taxonomies and split the terms up to those. Use the free CPT UI plugin to make these custom taxonomies.


    Please, can you please tell me exactly what I have to do? Now I got a lot of posts assigned to multiple categories, what must I do? I have to create a taxonomy for every category?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you can show me a live page with the form as you had it? Then I can advise better.

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    Trevor Moderator


    So, you would have to use the CPT UI plugin to add a new taxonomy called Materia and transfer for each post the Materia terms from Category into this new taxonomy. The form does not appear to be made with Search and Filter Pro, or at least, not the latest version?


    The form it’s made with search and filter pro but it’s not the latest version, because the form would not work with the latest version.

    A question: my posts are currently assigned to multiple (up to 5) categories. Can I assign my post to multiple taxonomies?

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes. A ‘Category’ is a special term used by WordPress to actually mean Taxonomy. WP Category has pre-defined settings, whereas custom taxonomies can be more flexibly defined (as you will see if you use CPT UI). For example, Categories has an archives page and is hierarchical. Taxonomies by default do not, but you can set them to have these.

    My guess is that the reason why S&F Pro latest version did not work as you wanted was this issue?


    Yes the issue is that old versions of Search and Filter Pro works well when I have two (or more) category fields in form. Last version DO NOT WORKS when I have two (or more) category fields. That’s a bit frustrating, to lose features after updates 🙁

    So, I have to create a new taxonomy for every category in my site?
    Can I use more than one taxonomy field in form?

    Trevor Moderator

    You only need to make a new taxonomy for parent categories that have children and need to be filtered separately.

    However, it has never been possible in S&F Pro to have the category more than once in a form?

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