Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Pagination URL Canonicalisation

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  • Anonymous

    We have a problem with pagination links..

    we want to use the default pagination links by wordpress /page/2 instead of /?sf_paged=2 this issue was raised by a SEO company and it needs to fix.

    Can you help or guide us to archive this setup?


    At the moment, our plugin needs for it to be /?_sf_paged=xxx, sorry. This may change in V3, due in a few months.


    Correction: *Can you help or guide us to achieve this setup?

    Hi Trevor,

    I will inform our team about this, looking forward for the V3.


    I am sorry, it can’t be done with the current version, so I can’t help you do this.


    Hi Trevor

    Or has something changed on this subject? My client is also asking about the possibility of changing this URL parameter.


    We are working towards V3 for this feature:

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