Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display filter criteria and alphabetical filters


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  • Anonymous

    Hi, we were using FacetWP initially, but have run into a weird issue with the facets just disappearing randomly. We haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause and the developer has not been helpful. It’s encouraging to see the support provided here.

    We had 2 features implemented via FacetWP that I have not been able to figure out how to do yet with Search & Filter Pro so hoping you can point me in a direction.

    1. FacetWP has the option to display user selections. It displays both search keywords and filter selections in a list with the ability to click each selection to remove it from the list of filter criteria. Is there anyway to achieve something similar with S&F?

    2. Alphabetical listing of a filter. Shows a list of letters. The user can click on a letter to have the results filtered. Any way to achieve that here?


    1. It is possible, with coding. As a feature, it is something we plan for V3 of our plugin (due in the next few months). This post starts to explain how you might do it now with coding:

    2. You would need a custom field with the one letter in it. Have a look at these two threads (the private posts are not relevant):


    Thanks, Trevor! Good to hear there’s a new version coming out with more features. I’ll take a look at these examples.


    Do let me know how you get on, and if I can close this thread?


    Hi Trevor, you can close this thread. We don’t have the bandwidth to undertake the development ourselves right now so we’ll wait for the release of the new version!


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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