Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro I am not able to set up a range slider by video length


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  • Anonymous

    Hi team,

    I am building a website to sell videos. I wish customers to be able to use range sider to pick up the video length they want. I don’t know how to do it, and search through the forum, nobody did this before.

    I hope you could recommend a meta key to put video length in, or suggest a plugin if the current setting cannot make this happen.

    Some other info: I am using Elementor pro to set up the page.


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    If these are ACF fields, When selecting the meta key, note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this (in this example for a field named ‘land’):

    #1 _land
    #2 field_52f0fc4334f52
    #3 land

    In our Meta Key selection list, you need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2.

    Looking at the form, you appear to have chosen ones starting with an underscore?


    Hi Trevor,I am not using custom field actually. As my product is video,I need to select a field under “product” to input video length but I have not figured out how and where.
    Video length should be in format like 10:30 which means 10 minutes and 30 seconds. By any chance I could do that?



    You have this data stored already? It would have to either be, in that example:

    630 seconds, or
    10.5 minutes

    As our plugin does not filter time (hours, minutes, etc) on a range control (it can do only date or number).

    I think it might be much easier to have the data stored as a text label:

    0-5 minutes
    5-10 minutes
    10-15 minutes, etc.


    Hi Trevor,if I use 10.5 minutes for example in some field under product,Can it be filtered by a range slider?And if so,could you please tell me where I should put this info into?Tag Category attributes or description?

    Appreciate that


    You woukld need to add a ‘Number’ Custom field, for example using a plugin like the free Advanced Custom Fields plugin. It can’t be in Tag, Category. I assume you are using WooCommerce products?


    Yes Trever,can I add a field nunber into woocommerce product with custom field plugin,it seems I can only add field for a new Custom post type created by CPT UI?



    That is not so. ACF can add fields to all Post Types, premade or not.


    Hi Trevor, I logged a case with ACF and finally get it done, it needs some codes to make it work.

    But, I found another issue, I cannot find the meta key in search and filter for the field I created.
    I created a field named “test” under woo-commerce product, may I know by what name I should look for that meta key?


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